Smic, booklet A, allowances …: what will change on August 1

by time news

Posted Jul 29, 2022, 12:12 PM

A number of measures aimed at combating inflation will come into effect from 1is august. Overview.

Minimum wage increase

After the increases in January and May, the Smic will increase by 2.01% to 1329.06 euros net monthly for full-time. This new increase is the consequence of that of prices. The law provides that when inflation excluding tobacco increases by at least 2% compared to the last increase in the minimum wage, it is passed on directly to the minimum wage. Over the whole of 2022, the cumulative increase in the Smic reaches 5.2%, which corresponds to a revaluation of 60 euros net.

The passbook A rate goes to 2%

Here too, the decision to raise the Livret A rate was taken to respond to inflation. It goes from 1 to 2%, its highest level since 2012. In France, 55 million people hold a booklet A, for an average amount of 5,500 euros. With a rate of 2%, the gain should therefore amount to 110 euros on average, against 55 euros with the current yield. The popular savings account (LEP), reserved for low-income households, will also see its rate double to reach 4.5%.

Revalued social benefits

The government has chosen to increase by 4% a number of social benefits such as the Disabled Adult Allowance (AAH), the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) or even family allowances. These increases will have a retroactive effect and will apply from 1is July.

Tripling of the “Macron bonus”

From 1is August and until December 31, 2023, companies will be able to pay the new Macron Prime to their employees whose income is less than three times the value of the minimum wage. The ceiling of this tax-free and desocialized premium has been raised from 2,000 to 6,000 euros.

If all companies could pay this bonus so far, the Senate, which is currently examining the government’s purchasing power bill, has decided to limit the continuation of the Macron bonus to companies with fewer than 50 employees. According to the impact study carried out by the government, more than fifteen million people benefited from this bonus between 2019 and 2022, for an average amount of the bonus amounting to 542 euros.

Extension of aid at the pump

A decree published on July 24 extends until August 31 the discount of 15 to 18 centimes per liter on the price of fuel. This reduction applies to all fuels, for individuals and professionals alike. For a full tank of 50 litres, this aid represents 9 euros.

New health law

August 1 marks the end of the state of health emergency. The health pass therefore disappears, as do the other exceptional measures introduced during the fight against Covid-19. The Scientific Council, meanwhile, will be dissolved.

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