Ukraine continues to record achievements in the Kherson region: a strategic bridge was shelled

by time news

The fighting in Ukraine continues, and while Russia is stalled in the Donbas region and is unable to conquer new territories in the Donetsk region, after completing the conquest of the Lugansk region, the Ukrainian momentum continues in the Kherson region in the south of the country, and according to the reports, the Ukrainians are advancing at a pace that is satisfactory for them and are beating the Russians

Yesterday (Wednesday), the Pro-Russian governor of the Kherson district, who was appointed to the position by the Russian regime, after the occupation of the district, said that the Antonievsky bridge had been bombed and was out of use. In fact, Ukraine has already tried several times to bomb the bridge passing over the famous Dnieper River. The attacks even created several holes in the bridge, but the vehicles continued to move on it carefully, zigzagging between the holes. The night before, according to Governor Kirill Stramosov, Ukraine managed to hit the bridge many times, so that it is perforated all the way through, and vehicles cannot pass over it, even though it is still standing.

It is possible that Russia will deploy steel plates over the holes to continue traffic on the bridge, but in any case it seems that Ukraine is close to destroying it, thereby severing Russia’s main supply line to the Kherson region, which will prevent the Russians from being able to send reinforcements to the forces under attack in Kherson, and also prevent the Russian forces from to escape from Harson and the area.

According to Stramusov, the Ukrainian army punctured the bridge through multiple hits of rockets fired by the state-of-the-art ‘Himers’ system, which is a multi-barrel system for launching long-range rockets, with a particularly high accuracy compared to other rocket systems. The said system caused the big turn on the battlefield in the Donbass region as well, after Ukraine received eight ‘Himmers’ systems from the US.

These systems are used by the Ukrainians in targeted attacks on weapon depots, artillery batteries, military headquarters and now also strategic bridges. The Hummers systems also join the howitzer guns supplied by the US to Ukraine, as well as other systems of multiple rocket launchers supplied to Ukraine by the US and other countries.

According to the reports, the US intends to supply Ukraine with another considerable amount of ‘Himmers’, and this, after the first eight systems supplied to Ukraine proved very effective, and the Ukrainians showed that they knew how to use them properly, and also to hide them very quickly after the shooting, in order to To prevent the Russians from being able to destroy them with long-range cruise missiles.

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