The SPA refuges begin to saturate

by time news

Dince the beginning of the summer, the refuges of the Humane Society (SPA) have been full to bursting. According to information from RTL, nearly 9,000 abandoned animals are currently housed there, ie 1,400 more than last year at the same time. This 11% increase saddens SPA employees like Ninon Rueff, manager of the Plaisir refuge in the Yvelines. “These little cats were found in the town of Plaisir, on the edge of the field, next to the recycling center. They are cowardly abandoned little cats, ”she testifies.

Ninon quickly realized that dropouts were on the rise as soon as summer arrived. “Since June, it’s been almost every day. Every two days you have to find a relay family urgently, because the refuge is full, ”confides the manager at the microphone of RTL. She claims to have the capacity to accommodate “a hundred dogs” in her kennel “but there are no free boxes there”.

READ ALSOAbandonment of animals: the fault of confinement?

With such an increase in requests for abandonment, the SPA shelters can no longer find enough space to accommodate all the dogs, cats or other animals that arrive each day. This is why the animals are sometimes housed in “the veterinary waiting room, sometimes the recovery room”, regrets Ninon Rueff. “Unfortunately, we constantly, several times a day, requests for abandonment,” she adds.

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