A little awareness, a little vivacity – Jyoti Review

by time news

Jyothi is a film based on the child trafficking that has been going on for years in India. Did the movie which is based on the shocking incident of abducting a pregnant woman by ripping open her stomach attract the fans..?

Saravanan, the giant villain, Sheela couple of Doulet fame live in a separate house. Saravanan, who is a doctor, goes out at night for an emergency surgery. When Saravanan leaves, a mysterious person enters Sheela’s house, tears open Sheela’s stomach and takes away the baby. In this matter the police hero Vetri jumps into the field to find out who is the culprit. In the end, did Victory find and punish the child abductor, or not? That is the rest of the story of Jyothi.

Director Krishna Paramathma, who has created the film with a very important concept needed by the society as the plot, has created it in the style of an investigative thriller and made it enjoyable. Although the story is small, the director has done a good ground work on the causal factors, background, and its historical background and has polished the scenes well and given a compelling awareness through this film. He has created a screenplay to make the viewers aware of how these medical mafias target and abduct the children of the common people who are lying in various government hospitals with clear explanations. The film starts off a bit slow and picks up speed as it goes on. Director Krishna Paramathma has given the feeling of watching a decent thriller film by setting up the events that can happen in succession. It could have done even better in filming scenes though. At some places, the actors and the environment in which the story moves have given the feeling of watching a serial.

Nayakan Vetri has acted in this film in a very promising role after the successful GV film. In the investigation scenes, he perfectly conveys the facial expressions of a police officer who is not tense and has a polished look. Sheela, who plays the female lead in the film, has done as much justice as possible to the role given to her and has won sympathy and applause. Especially in the climax scene he gets applause in the theater.

Krisha Group, who plays Vetri’s wife, has fulfilled the role given to her. Kumaravel, who has successfully played the role of a constable, has enlivened the scenes. He once again gained attention for his natural performance especially in the investigative scenes. Rakshasan villain Saravanan is sympathetic in the beginning and shows quiet villainy in the latter.

Cinematography by Chesi Jaya is well done. Music by Harshvardhan Rameshwar is okay. The background score is a great contribution to the film. He is amazing especially in the investigation scenes by giving music in moderation.

Jyoti can be admired for making this film in a very natural and at the same time awareness about a huge crime that has been going on in this society for many years.

Jyoti – Revolutionary!

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