Lapid will talk for the first time with the Shevast Commissioner and Minister Bar Lev about the affair in Gilboa prison

by time news

Prime Minister of Israel Yair Lapid is expected to meet with the Shevast Police Commissioner and the Minister of Internal Security, Amr Bar Lev, regarding the case of pimping among female prison guards at Gilboa Prison. Security prisoners, for various needs and the promotion of their goals, within the framework of the prison.

The police are investigating a suspicion that a security prisoner committed serious sexual offenses against a female soldier

Lieberman demands from Lapid: to establish as soon as possible a commission of inquiry into suspected rape in Gilboa prison

As a reminder, a crowdfunding campaign was recently launched online for Hila (pseudonym), the jailer who was injured. “Since the rape, my life has been hell, they are trying to silence me! Help me in my struggle to reveal the truth. Our IDF soldiers are not vagrants,” the campaign page reads.

Later in her words, she revealed that the prison staff was aware of everything: “And now I will reveal to you the worst of all. Get ready because it is more shocking than what I have told so far. My commanders, my staff members, who I thought were supposed to guard me, delivered me into the hands of that terrorist. They They made sure that I was left alone with him, contrary to the clear procedures, so that he could brutally hurt me and sexually abuse me again and again, and not only me, but also many female prison guards.”

Attorney Karen Barak, who represents the women who were affected in the case of the pimping in Sohorot, said: “I have been following this serious case closely for several years. This is a shocking case, one of the worst that happened in the State of Israel to soldiers as part of their military service. Commanders in the State of Israel pimped out IDF female soldiers and female prison guards together with an active terrorist terrorist with blood on his hands for the purpose of satisfying his sexual needs.”

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