Donald Trump must be judged

by time news

The indictment of a former president would mark a radical turning point in the history of the United States and could irreversibly transform political life, and even the future of the nation. This is not a decision to be taken lightly.

But Donald Trump’s multiple attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, culminating in a call to march on Capitol Hill on January 6, 2021, as Congress was poised to certify Joe Biden’s victory, They too marked a radical turning point in the history of the United States – and nearly destroyed our democracy. The country is already navigating through troubled waters, trying somehow to maneuver the wreckage the former president left behind.

The time is no longer for civilized respect for political norms, but for the relentless pursuit of justice. Over the past two months, the House of Commons Inquiry into the attack on the Capitol has amply proven, through videos and eyewitness accounts, that Donald Trump did indeed mastermind a dangerous plot to prevent a handover. serene power and retain his post, despite his electoral defeat. The Ministry of Justice should at least charge him for fraud in the United States” and “obstruction of an official procedure” – the certification of the vote of the electors – facts respectively punishable by five and twenty years in prison.

His own defrauded supporters

Of course, the prosecution may have exhibits unknown to the general public that would call for a broadening of the charges, and the commission of inquiry will undoubtedly reveal new elements in the coming months. But the first eight hearings have already proven that several well-informed advisers close to the billionaire had repeatedly warned him of the lack of evidence of irregularities or fraud in the election. “It is bullshit”, had retorted William Barr, then Minister of Justice, in the face of the allegations of Donald Trump, who believed that he had been robbed of the victory.

Despite everything, Trump continued to propagate his lie, abusan

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Los Angeles Times (The Angels)

The West Coast Giant. Created in 1881, it is the most left-wing of the country’s large-circulation daily newspapers and the leading specialist in social issues and the entertainment industry.

It wasn’t until the 1940s that it became Los Angeles’ leading daily. Owned by Californians from the outset, the title was bought in 2000 by the Tribune group – owner of the Chicago Tribune. In 2018, the Los Angeles Times is sold to a biotech billionaire, Patrick Soon-Shiong.

After years of declining sales, the waltz of editorial directors and cuts in the workforce, this former surgeon intends to relaunch the title and make it take the digital bandwagon. With a very ambitious goal: 5 million digital subscribers. A challenge while the Los Angeles Times account at the beginning of 2019 around 150,000.

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