Tom Enders leaves Airbus with a golden parachute of 36.8 million euros

by time news

That’s a nice mattress! Tom Enders, the German boss of the aircraft manufacturer Airbus, will leave his post on April 10 with a “golden parachute” of 36.8 million euros, according to Proxinvest calculations unveiled on Tuesday by “Le Monde”.

To arrive at this sum, the first French governance analysis agency looked at the document which details the decisions on remuneration validated by the Airbus board of directors, which met in February.

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According to Proxinvest, the share allocation plans, the payment of which will be staggered between 2019 and 2022, should bring Tom Enders the sum of 7.3 million euros. The boss of Airbus, who sits on the group’s executive committees since 2000, will also receive 3.2 million euros under his non-competition clause. But he will above all receive a hat pension which was provisioned at the end of 2018 in the accounts of Airbus to the tune of 26.3 million euros.

Important detail: the Airbus company is subject to Dutch law. the golden parachute of Tom Enders will therefore not be submitted to the vote of the shareholders at the general meeting of April 10. And if the group is part of the CAC 40, it is for this reason exempted from respecting the “Code of corporate governance for listed companies” established by the French Association of Private Companies (Afep) and the Medef.

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