Weekly horoscope: forecast for all zodiac signs 31.7.22-6.8.22 – Ono News

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During this period we are under the influence of the planet Uranus and hence the new changes and transitions for better or for worse and each according to his personal map.

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The role of the star is to break frames, boundaries and routines.

The natural ambition of this planet is to be independent, to act according to ideals, not to be obliged or influenced by anyone, and in addition, there is a strong desire to maintain the private territory that will be almost impenetrable to others, and at least not until they pass the test period required to create trust.

This star acts suddenly, breaks the tools and rules and does not leave behind a place that allows building on the old foundation but only rebuilding everything.

However, it is a mistake to think that this star does act suddenly because it functions in the style of a volcano, roaring and raging beneath the surface until it erupts and destroys everything in its path.

Such a process is done suddenly to those who experience it, but it is not so at the inner level of the volcano while it is bubbling underground.

Therefore, this planet acts at different levels on the environment.

Because this is so and naturally, this is why the people who feel this process will experience it according to the data in their personal map.

In relationships, for example, who experience the influence of this planet, there may be significant crises and people who do not like frameworks will feel that this is exactly your opportunity to break a framework in order to realize themselves.

In general, people with a strong desire for freedom will have difficulty in contact with authority (law and framework) and will have even more difficulty in creating long-term relationships. All their personal and professional relationships must be built on the individual and the individual’s needs.

When this star visits the various zodiac signs, it causes them to be affected by the star’s energy, even if it goes against their worldview and normal day-to-day behavior.

The situation in the world and the changes are all due to this stellar influence and even the climate crisis that brings with it fires and global warming is not something that happened in one day,

but a long period under the surface until it erupts aggressively usually.

Uranus does not act gently but in an impulsive and shocking way and those who feel it, will experience a significant shock in the area in which they will be affected in the map.

In the coming month, we will experience the retreat of this planet until the end of the year, everyone who was born primarily In the second third of the sign, he will feel the need to change his lifestyle.

The zodiac signs that will feel this especially will be the following signs: Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo, Libra and Sagittarius.

There may be sudden significant changes in your life, but you will learn to accept them because life will leave you no other choice.

All the zodiac signs not mentioned will flow with this energy naturally or as a result of proximity to the natives of the zodiac signs I mentioned.

In your personal cases, it is recommended that you use professional people to be sure that you are acting correctly and not from an impulsive place, in order to reduce your ability to make mistakes.

Here is the weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor.

A tip for those born this week

In the coming week you will feel more sensitive than usual to friends and the environment due to the fact that the moon in the sky will visit your house of social status and will make you more attentive to others.

lamb March 21 to April 19

In the coming week there will be a significant star in the house linked to your subconscious, so it will be a time when you will feel that you need to get a little deeper answers from your inner self. Old fears will return to nest in your heart and only counseling and a conversation with a reliable and professional person will help you get out of the rut you are in. Venus, the planet responsible for human relationships, visits your family home and makes you hear good news.

bull April 20 to May 20

During the entire coming period you will be busy thinking about how you market yourself professionally in light of your achievements in the recent period. You are at the beginning of a new period in which you will have the ability to promote yourself to new places. If you allow yourself to open up to new areas, it seems that your creativity will increase and you will be able to realize it in favor of your goals.

twins May 21 to June 21

A significant planet such as the planet of opportunities known by the name Jupiter is in this period in the house of your friends and company, so this is the right time for you to invest the maximum time and energy in promoting yourself professionally so that in the future you can continue your normal life and in the way you choose for yourself. Since this is an important period – it is recommended that you invest the maximum energy in making real friends for life.

cancer June 22 to July 22

In the coming week, the impact on your life will come through connections and interpersonal relationships. You are looking for someone who can help you personally as well as financially, because it seems that financially you are in a situation that is not good enough for you and you strive to develop. Don’t hesitate to contact people you don’t have contact with in your day-to-day life if you need help. Right now this is the best thing for you.

lion July 23 to August 22

The planet Mars, which brings action, is in your career house and you are pushing yourself forward more than ever. This is the right time for you to improve the professional situation you are in by the fact that you can reinvent yourself every time so that you can refresh your impression and create new areas of interest for yourself. This is a period in which you will make decisions and take responsibility for your style and way of life.

virgin August 23 to September 22

You are about a month before your birthday and the sun in the sky illuminates the entire subconscious area of ​​your life, because you are required to act with energies that are sometimes contrary to your basic world view. It is very important to use your natural intuition in order to create the long-awaited change that will help you behave differently. It is recommended that you check yourself objectively and also seek the help of a professional.

Libra September 23 to October 22

Personally, you need your private corner and since privacy is very important to you, you may not be happy to share personal things with people who consider themselves close to you but have not yet passed your review and your readiness to define them as close friends. In addition, during this period it is recommended that you cultivate the professional and social sphere and check how you can continue to upgrade yourself.

Scorpion October 23 to November 21

You are in one of the best periods of your life, precisely because of the Sun’s visit to your career house. This visit makes you take responsibility for your life and the ability to conduct yourself professionally. You are aware of the fact that now you are actually shaping your future life and therefore you are ready to take on difficulties arising from this fact, and which are derived as a result of these changes.

Rainbow November 22 to December 21

Most of the stars are in your house connected with everything that happens around the private family and work. It seems that the insights you are getting now about your life are causing you deep internal shocks because you realize that until today you have given in and given up in places where you had to take care of yourself and set significant boundaries. Try to find yourself new interests and studies that will challenge you.

kid December 22 to January 19

It seems that despite your many professional successes, many times at the end of the day you feel alone and are not always sure that you have indeed acted correctly. It is very important to form a complete family life for yourself that will match these feelings. It is recommended that in the near future you check what your options are to change the design of your immediate environment, and in this way give free rein to your creativity.

Aquarius January 20 to February 18

It seems that the external circumstances of your life are forcing you to confront your financial side. How about collecting all the data and going to a professional in order to help you conduct yourself correctly? It seems that you cannot see the whole full picture due to the fact that you are not objective about yourself and it is difficult for you to give up parts of your current lifestyle. It is highly recommended that you ask for outside help.

fish February 19 to March 20

You are now in a good period financially due to the visit of the planet of abundance Jupiter in your financial house and it seems that new beginnings are happening for you. This is an excellent time to strengthen your relationships at home and in the bosom of your immediate family, and if you want to pamper yourself with material things, this is the right time. Good days are waiting for you this week when you will feel that you are in the center of things and indeed it is your time to feel that way.

* It is recommended to read together with Mazal Haofek.

* The forecast is general for those born under all zodiac signs. For a personal forecast it is recommended to make an astrological map.

The weekly forecast by Tsila Shir-El, an astrologer and marriage and family counselor. mobile 0522248626 Email [email protected]

Tsila Shir al.  Private photo
Tsila Shir al. Private photo

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