The action of the police in search of the Christian priest is strongly condemned

by time news

Human rights activists and Christian clergy have expressed strong opposition to police raids at a Christian church in search of a Catholic priest believed to be one of the key figures in the anti-government protests in crisis-ridden Sri Lanka.

The media reported that the police went to the Christian church in Ratnapuri, Sapraskamuwa province to check whether the Christian priest Amilajeevanta Peiris was there.

The raids came two days after a court barred the 45-year-old Christian cleric and five others from leaving the country on charges of illegal assembly and damage to public property during the June protests.

The archbishop was at the forefront of anti-government protests in Colombo’s Kalimugathida that ousted the long-ruling Rajapaksa dynasty blamed for the country’s worsening economic crisis.

Massive protests led to President Gotabaya Rajapaksa fleeing and abdicating, Parliament elected Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe as president last week, but demonstrations calling for Ranil Wickremesinghe’s resignation have continued, and Ranil Wickremesinghe is said to be a Rajapaksa loyalist.

Human rights activist Ruqui Fernando said that the police actions against Reverend Peiris were totally unacceptable.

Ruki Fernando said Jivantha Peiris is one of the few Sinhalese priests to have worked among the northeastern communities, where the minority Tamils ​​live, badly affected by ethnically divided Sri Lanka’s decade-long civil war.

Ruki Fernando also said that Aruth Father Jeevantabiris is very much loved by the Tamil clergy, religious people and ordinary Tamil people.

Ruki Fernando told UCA News that he is facing reprisals for his unwavering commitment to the people’s struggle, and Christian religious leaders and others should come forward to support him as he has supported others.

Fernando has worked with the priest to help people affected by police brutality.

Ruki Fernando said that the priest is working in a very poor parish in Ratnapurigara district, working together with garden workers, he is teaching poor children.

Ruki Fernando mentioned that it is customary for him to visit Colombo and other areas and support the people’s struggle for justice.

Harikaran Rajapriyar, a Christian priest from Ratnapura, said that he was shocked by the attempt to arrest a fellow priest.

Rajapririya mentioned that he loved the non-violence movement of Mahatma Gandhi and also loved the resistance movement of Nelson Mandela.

Both are friends of 24 years from the same diocese.

He said the poor people fought for the right to live (fuel food) the rulers have cheated the country for the last 74 years, they should not threaten the innocent protestors and arrest them but think about providing basic amenities to Sri Lankans.

He said politicians should stop using state terrorism on innocent people.

I am continuously praying for the priest and will take steps to protect him,” said a member of Ratnapura Diocese.

He said we should protect him.

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