Public procedure 54/22 for filling the position of field manager (supervision of the purity of the elections) (for the election period only)

by time news

Managing the set of inspectors for the purity of the elections in the central committee and the regional committees in preparation for and on the day of the Knesset elections in accordance with the mandatory standards and rules.

Mapping the map of the polling stations, characterizing and formulating a detailed supervision plan by committee key/inspector/polling station, with special reference to sensitive polling stations and the allocation of inspector quotas according to the changing needs, taking into account the characteristics of the various committees – size, population composition, geographical distribution, number of polling stations, number of sensitive polling stations, etc.

Forming and approving a job description and threshold requirements, determining the employment framework and required supervision procedures: working hours, daily schedule and supervision rounds, reporting procedures for the use of photo aids, accompanying ballot counting processes, attendance reporting procedures, reporting procedures, and more.

Management of the pool of inspectors at the national and regional level, including a reserve fund.

Organizing the placement of the cameras as needed, ensuring the required equipment for the use of the inspectors during the inspection (cameras) and formulating guidelines and rules for the management of the inspection and the operation of the photographic aids while protecting the privacy of the voters.

Formulating and implementing a procedure, including dedicated forms, for documenting and reporting unusual events, including reports that require special attention and/or referral to the security forces and/or the police.

Management, centralization and documentation of reports and photo products in accordance with the mandatory rules and ensuring the return of the borrowed equipment at the end of the inspection operations.

Formulation and preparation of a recruitment and training plan for supervisors of the purity of the elections, their approval in the computerized systems and distribution of work procedures and reporting arrangements in forms and/or dedicated applications as will be decided.

Responsibility for managing registration arrangements, reporting and payment of supervisors’ wages in accordance with the attendance reports as approved by the regional committees.

Full documentation of the inspection processes, findings and products in accordance with the organizational methodology and the production of regular status reports in accordance with the instructions of the supervisor and the needs of the committee.

Maintaining work interfaces with the departments of the central committee and with the directors of the committees in any matter related to the operation and execution of the supervision of the purity of the elections.

Carrying out additional tasks according to the supervisor’s requirements.

Voltage Ratings: 41-43 in the Mkhr ranking

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