Miasma, those pestilences from which epidemics were born

by time news
Representation of a doctor wearing a mask filled with aromatic herbs facing a victim of bubonic plague during major epidemics of the disease (17th-18th century). Because/Leemage via AFP

IN THE ATTIC OF SCIENCE (1/6) – Men have long thought that certain diseases were caused by inhaling foul winds from swamps or unhealthy places.

How are diseases born? What is at the center of the Earth? What is fire? Throughout history, man has tried to explain the world to himself… and he has often been wrong. Le Figaro tells you about some of the trial and error that made science.

“What is extraordinary about the miasma theory is that it has prevailed for more than 2000 years, when it was based on almost nothing. It would however be wrong to make fun of it: it was, at the time, the least bad explanation. to human epidemics, says Patrick Berche, professor emeritus at the University of Paris Cité, member of the Academy of Medicine and co-author with Stanis Perez of Pandemics. From origins to Covid-19 (Perrin, 2021). The Frr Berche places the appearance of this theory in Antiquity, which attributes epidemic diseases to “bad air” filled with deleterious particles. Hippocrates, Greek philosopher and physician of the 5th century BC, considered the “father of medicine”, proposed it for…

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