“A 60-year-old diabetes patient on the floor with 5 people nursing him” watch

by time news

Against the background of the testimony of Moshe Saada, deputy head of the police department, about the conduct of the prosecutor’s office and the police in general and about the cover-up of the killing of Ahovia Sendak, in particular, another chapter of the Yamr SHY testimonies project is being published today. This time it is about the story of the late Noa, and her husband Israel Ariel Mitshar , elderly people and family members.

The testimony about what happened in their home late at night was taken shortly before the disease was discovered in the body of Noa, who passed away about three months ago.

The reason for the breaking into the family’s house at 2:00 am by the YMR detectives and the YSM force was to search for their son. Their son was suspected of insulting a policeman on Facebook, after the policeman participated in the false arrest of a Yitzhar resident kindergarten teacher who was arrested in the middle of the night at her home on the suspicion that she had written something on Facebook against the Pride Parade It later turned out that it was an arrest that originated by mistake.

One way or another, at 2 o’clock in the morning, the Ariels heard loud knocks on the back door of their house, a door that is permanently blocked and is used as a pantry. When Israel asked to review the order allowing the police to enter his house, the saga and violence on the part of the police began.

The couple describe that the officers waved the order page from a distance, without being able to read what was written on it. Israel refused to open the door of the house, then about 15 police officers burst into it. When Israel tried to take the order page from one of the police officers, “I was attacked by several, knocked to the floor. A 60-year-old man with diabetes, wearing boxers and a t-shirt on the floor, with 5 breast milk on him.”

Israel described “They dragged me to the living room and decided they were arresting me. The way I looked – it was embarrassing. At first they ignored my every request to get dressed. There was no one to talk to. When I realized I was going to be arrested – I explained that I was diabetic and needed medication.”

The late Noa describes from her point of view the harsh attitude of the police “They were not willing to give him (the medication he requested). I opened my mouth and said a small part of what I was thinking about them, so they decided to accuse me of insulting a police officer.”

The couple spent the night in detention, and the next day they were brought before a police officer: “It dragged on for hours. They say no to everything. And all for what? That I asked them to show me the warrant that allowed them to break into my house? They entered the house en masse, for who? To arrest a man who had already Not a tzitzik? They arrested us, we were there all night. Towards the end of the day we went to the court, which released us immediately. He found nothing in this tedious story.”

The testimony was given as part of the “Yamr Shi’ite Testimonies” project of the “Honno” organization and the “A Jew does not kill a Jew” headquarters, with photography and direction by Avraham Shapira and Han Klein, and an investigation by Elhanan Gruner. In the coming weeks, more evidence is expected to be published about the attitude of the police and Shin Bet to settlers in Judea and Samaria.

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