How to be the best version of yourself at every stage of your menstrual cycle

by time news

A menstrual cycle lasts on average about 28 days, but shorter or longer is also perfectly possible. Every woman’s body has its own pace.

The complete cycle consists of four phases and is repeated throughout a woman’s fertile period – from the first menstrual period to menopause:

  • Follicular phase
  • Ovulation
  • Luteale phase
  • Period

Each phase of the female cycle is characterized by the presence or absence of certain hormones. These influence how you feel and what your specific needs are. If you now know exactly what your body wants from you and learn to respond to it, many things will be much easier from now on.

1. Follicular phase

Women are born with about 1 million eggs in the two ovaries. From the first menstruation, under the influence of oestrogen, an egg matures monthly in one of the ovaries. This is the follicular phase.

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How can you make the most of this phase?

  • This phase is all about creativity and productivity. You are open to discovering and trying new things. In addition, you are in shape and concentrated. This is therefore the ideal time to put plans and projects into effect.
  • During the follicular phase, the metabolism slows down and you have less appetite. The body also effectively needs fewer calories. Therefore, opt for fresh and light food such as salads with many and different vegetables. Healthy fats and proteins are also a good idea during this phase. They support the development of hormones, help reduce inflammation and satisfy appetite.
  • Both your mind and your body can handle a lot in this phase, also in terms of sports. So try a solid workout or an intensive boot camp.

2. Ovulation

The mature egg is released from the ovary. She descends further down the fallopian tube to the uterus. There, a possible fertilization can take place with a sperm cell. Ovulation lasts 1 to 2 days and usually takes place around the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle. You are most fertile during ovulation.

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How can you make the most of this phase?

  • During ovulation, your estrogen level peaks. It ensures that your libido is back on top and you feel fit and energetic. In addition, your social skills are now at their very best. This phase is therefore the ideal opportunity to indulge in fun and enjoyment for a while: go out for dinner with friends or a weekend away with your partner.
  • During ovulation, body temperature rises. So choose fruits and vegetables that have a cooling effect. Also make sure you get as many foods with vitamin B and/or zinc as possible. Zinc is important for the production of the hormone progesterone and cell division.
  • Just like during the follicular phase, you are still bursting with energy. An ideal time to continue exercising intensively!

3. Luteale phase

The uterus prepares to implant a possibly fertilized egg. For this, she makes extra endometrium. The luteal phase lasts an average of 12 to 14 days.

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How can you make the most of this phase?

  • Although many complaints can arise during this phase (headaches, bloating, mood swings…), it is also the phase to get things done. You are goal-oriented and get the most satisfaction from that.
  • Your body needs more calories. In addition, make sure you get enough carbohydrates and proteins to feel satisfied after every meal.
  • Although snacking is tempting during this phase, it is still important to eat healthy food. It will ensure that the complaints are less.
  • At the end of this phase, your energy level drops. Your body is also more likely to suffer from emotional and physical complaints. So opt for a physical effort that doesn’t ask too much of you, such as yoga or Pilates.

4. Menstruation

If fertilization did not take place, the body rejects the unfertilized egg and the extra uterine lining, causing blood loss. This is the menstrual phase that lasts about five days on average. After that, another fertility cycle begins.

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How can you make the most of this phase?

  • Although women often suffer a lot during their period, this phase also has a good side: analyzing and reasoning go all the better. So take a moment to think about things that are important to you and reflect: how are things going at work? How are your relationships with your friends?…
  • Opt for warm, filling meals such as stews or soups. Foods with magnesium are also indispensable for a healthy menstruation. Magnesium has a preventive effect against menstrual pain, among other things.
  • Allow yourself to rest and recover during the menstrual phase. Listen to your body and do what feels right. For example, are you tired? Then take a nap without feeling guilty.

Sources:,,, and the book ‘Womancode’ by Alisa Vitti.


Menstruation, Rules, Women.

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