Emmanuel Macron reaffirms his support for kyiv after the “massacre perpetrated by the Russian armed forces in Olenivka”

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22h10 : Ukrainian grain exports resumed from the port of Odessa today. But the Ukrainian president felt he was “too early” to rejoice. “At the moment it is too early to make any predictions. Let’s wait to see how the agreement will work and if security will really be guaranteed”and declared by Volodymyr Zelensky in his daily video address.

21h36 : The United States has announced that it will send new weapons to the Ukrainian forces worth 550 million dollars, including ammunition for rocket launchers that are increasingly important in the battle. That brings the total amount of military assistance given to Ukraine since President Joe Biden took office to more than $8 billion, according to John Kirby, a White House spokesman.

9:16 p.m : Vladimir Putin spoke out today against any nuclear conflict, at a time when the Kremlin’s military offensive in Ukraine has revived fears of an atomic drift. “We believe that there can be no winners in a nuclear war and that it must never be started”said the Russian president in a message addressed to the participants of a conference of the 191 signatory countries of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT).

19h06 : Faced with Russian firepower, long-range weapons are vital for kyiv. Ukraine says it has received new multiple rocket launcher systems from the United States and Germany. A total of four new US HiMars rocket launchers and the first of a batch of German Mars IIs have arrived in Ukraine, Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said on Twitter this afternoon.

17h12 : During his conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky, Emmanuel Macron made no announcement, according to the presidency, but he “reaffirmed his support for the Ukrainian people and their resistance” and he confirmed the dispatch of a mobile DNA analysis laboratory.

17h10 : In the minutes of Emmanuel Macron’s telephone conversation with Volodymyr Zelensky this afternoon, the Elysée describes the explosion which killed dozens of Ukrainian prisoners in Olenivka on Friday as “new massacre perpetrated by the Russian armed forces”. Moscow and kyiv accuse each other of being responsible for this murderous detonation in a prison held by pro-Russian separatists in the Donetsk region.

16h53 : France “welcomes the departure this morning of a first ship from the Ukrainian port of Odessawithin the framework of the agreement on the resumption of Ukrainian food exports, according to the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Calling for the continued application of this agreement, it condemns “the indiscriminate strikes carried out by Russia, including on the port of Odessa”.

16h19 : Russia bans entry to its territory to 39 additional British personalities, bringing the total number of British citizens sanctioned to more than 250. Two important personalities appear on this new list: former Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, and current opposition Labor leader Keir Starmer.

16h13 : The war has permanently disrupted the lives of the inhabitants of eastern Ukraine, the main front of the conflict. Our journalist Julie Piétri met Larissa, who ran a sewing business in the Donetsk region. She had to resolve to move her activity to Lviv, in the west of the country, where she now produces badges for the army. Dozens of Donbass companies had to pack up in the same way.


12h45 : The French Basketball Federation announces that players from Russian and Belarusian clubs will no longer be able to play for the France team “during the conflict” in Ukraine, and that the internationals will have to undertake not to sign in Russia. A sanction announced when a player selected for the next Euro in September, Thomas Heurtel, is presented as close to Zénith Saint-Petersburg.

12h28 : The European Union welcomes “a very important first stepafter the departure of a first ship loaded with grain from Odessa this morning. Brussels is waiting “looking forward to the implementation of the entire agreementon Ukrainian exports.

11:55 a.m. : Russia ruled on Monday “very positive” the departure from Ukraine of a first ship loaded with cereals, within the framework of the agreement concluded between Moscow and kyiv to allow the resumption of exports. “Let’s hope that the agreements will be applied by all parties and that the mechanisms will work effectively”Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov added.

11h18 : Emmanuel Macron will meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at 11:30 a.m., learned France Télévisions from the Elysée Palace. The two heads of state had not exchanged since the trip of the French, Italian and German leaders to Ukraine on June 16.

10h28 : The recovery of Ukrainian grain exports is “a relief to the world, especially to our friends in the Middle East, Asia and Africa”said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. For his part, the head of the UN Antonio Guterres “greet warmly” the departure of Rozani this morning, and “hope (…) that this will provide much-needed stability and support for global food security, especially in the most fragile humanitarian contexts”according to a UN statement.

09:15 : It’s past 9 o’clock, it’s time for the traditional update on the news:

• It is the first ship loaded with Ukrainian cereals to leave the country since the beginning of the war: the Rozani set off from the port of Odessa this morning with a cargo of corn on board. kyiv and Moscow had signed an agreement on July 22 to resume grain exports.

• After its adoption by the National Assembly, the amending finance bill arrives in the Senate today. The debates, which will focus in particular on the tariff shield on energy, the fuel discount, the audiovisual license fee and the tax on superprofits, are only scheduled to last two days.

• A new blaze ravaged 150 hectares of pines in the Landes, in the town of Mano, on Sunday evening. According to the prefecture, the fire “is not fixed but no longer progressing” and caused no casualties. The fire which burned 350 hectares in the Gard is under control.

A new episode of intense heat begins this week. It will first hit the south of France, before heading north on Tuesday and Wednesday, with temperatures up to 39°C, according to Météo France. Five departments have been placed on heatwave orange vigilance.

08h53 : “We have 99,000 Ukrainians in France who benefit from the asylum seeker’s allowance.”

Ukrainian refugees present in France “are in a changing situation”explained the director of the French Office for Immigration and Integration this morning on franceinfo, with some “who return to Ukraine and others who continue to arrive even if they are much less than before”. According to Didier Leschi, “of the more than seven million people who have left Ukraine, just over four million have returned to Ukraine.” He clarified that“about 20,000 people” are hosted by private individuals in France.

10h03 : Bonjour @Jean, you were not far off: Russia demanded these inspections to prevent Ukraine from using these boats to import arms or ammunition. It is Turkey, which participated in the mediation between the two countries and which controls the straits through which the ships must pass, which carries out these checks.

08h48 : Hello, I do not understand this agreement. Why this inspection in Turkey of boats departing from Ukraine? The Russians are afraid that Ukraine exports what if not cereals? Weapons (they need them, they are not going to export weapons) works of art, Ikea furniture?

08h44 : I would add, for those who would like to follow his journey, that the Marinetraffic.com site (in English) makes it possible to track all ships of its kind throughout the world.

08h37 : The Reasonable is the first ship allowed to leave the port under the agreement signed between kyiv and Moscow on July 22. It transports maize to Lebanon, but will first have to pass inspections in Istanbul, under the terms of the agreement.

08h32 : The first shipment of Ukrainian grain has just left the port of Odessa, according to the Turkish Defense Ministry.

07h26 : It’s a long-awaited first trip: a load of Ukrainian cereals is about to leave the port of Odessa. After six months of conflict, kyiv and Moscow signed an agreement on July 22 to allow the resumption of exports. Vessel, “laden with corn”will leave at 7:30 a.m. (French time) to travel to Lebanon, according to the statement from the Turkish Defense Ministry. What, perhaps, to slow down a little the inflation of food prices which affects the whole world.

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