Part of an Elon Musk rocket crashes on the farm of an Australian farmer

by time news

A huge chunk of space junk has crashed on farm in new south wales (Australia), owned by Mick Miners, an Australian sheep farmer. The Miners’ family heard a large explosion, but they were unable to identify the origin until they found remains of an Elon Musk rocket, about three meters high, in the middle of a cattle pasture, according to ABC News, a media outlet. local.

After the discovery, Miners alerted the authorities, who sent Brad Tucker, an astrophysicist at the Australian National University. After examining the remains, he concluded that it was a detachable part of the Crew Dragon, a rocket from Space XElon Musk’s space travel company.

Supposedly they are remains of the flight he undertook in November 2020, a launch that was a historic milestone when the Dragon became the first private ship that carried astronauts to the International Space Station.

During that flight, upon reaching space, part of the Dragon fell off. It is common for spacecraft to get rid of parts as they ascend, to reduce the weight of items that are no longer needed.

Usually, those remains fall on the oceans. However, this time he landed on the Miners farm and his neighbor Jock Wallace, who also found debris on his land.

In fact, this same year the remains of a Chinese rocket were closely followed, since re-entered the atmosphere in an uncontrolled way.

This falling space ‘junk’ can pose a long-term problem. As Tucker stated after visiting the remains, there are reports that there is a 10% chance someone will be hit by aircraft wreckage in this decade.

The Australian Space Agency has been the one has finally taken on the casesince “there is a legal protocol,” Tucker said in statements collected by LAD Bible, and it actually belongs to Space X.

The most logical thing is that they do not claim it, since it was planned to end up in the ocean. But, if you want to get it back, they will have to pay the farmers Australians for it, according to the astrophysicist.

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