“To patients with multiple myeloma to ensure the best available treatment”

by time news

“It is of fundamental importance that patients with multiple myeloma have access to the best treatments available according to a treatment path and protocols based on solid clinical evidence that can ensure the longest possible survival period and a decent quality of life”. Thus Aurelio Luglio, councilor of Ail – Association against Leukemia, Lymphomas and Myeloma – section of Bologna, speaking today at the event “The archipelago of Melanoma”, a debate promoted by Sanofi which was attended by Paolo Corradini, director of the Hematology Division, Irccs Foundation National Cancer Institute of Milan, Professor of Hematology at the University of Milan and Marcello Cattani, President and CEO of Sanofi Italy.

The meeting was an opportunity to talk about the importance of a new treatment that includes isatixumab, a drug recently available in Italy, which has been shown, in the ‘Icaria-Mm’ clinical study, in combination with pomalidomide (pom-dex ) and dexamethasone, to significantly reduce the risk of disease progression or death compared to the pom-dex regimen alone in frail patients who have already had two relapses and are resistant and refractory to treatment. “Despite the long-awaited progress – recalled July – this disease has a strong impact on a population that is often elderly and therefore has other morbidities.” and researchers to ensure the best treatments and support investment in research ”, concluded July, recalling that out of the 250 projects funded by the Association, 10% are on multiple myeloma.

Multiple myeloma is a blood disorder that predominantly affects the elderly (the average age at diagnosis is 69) and tends to recur in 9 out of 10 cases. In 2020, the International Myeloma Foundation conducted a meta-analysis and study on the direct and indirect costs associated with this disease. “As for indirect costs – reads a note from Sanofi – some data show that the economic impact on patients and caregivers is associated with visits to the hospital, the reduction of working hours and the advance of retirement. The loss of productivity per patient is estimated between 290,601 euros (in Spain) and 308,000 euros (in Germany) ”.

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