Alon Goldberg of Gani Tikva – why would I vote for the Zionist Spirit Party? – Ono News

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He is a senior web programmer, former religious and lives inGanei Tikva It’s been 6 years and I’m convinced that Naftali Bennett is the best thing that happened to the country and that Ayelet Shaked will continue his path. Alon Goldberg explains to us why he will vote for the Zionist Spirit Party.

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Alon tell us a little about yourself

“I am an independent senior web-programmer. Married +3, 44 years old, lived in Gani Tikva for about 6 years. I am a Christian: former religious, and an atheist-agnostic: I do not assume the existence of God and do not disbelieve in his existence. I am Jewish by identity, Zionist and Israeli. I see the modern Jewish religion in its shades: the traditional, the religious-nationalist and the ultra-Orthodox, a positive influence on the individual life and the social life of those who choose it.”

Which side of the political map are you on?

I was always on the right. I guess it’s the upbringing of my religious-nationalist parents. I am a former gamer. I mean, politics didn’t really interest me until 2013 when Bennett headed the ‘Jewish Home’. Around 2015, I changed my leisure time from computer games to an intensive engagement in politics.

How it manifests itself?

“I edited and summarized into relatively short videos, including translation into subtitles, the words of wisdom of senior professors on a variety of topics that interested me. I also had the opportunity to write 2-3 political articles that were published in ‘Israel Today.’ To the level that I can explain them orally without getting into trouble, so that I have little chance of convincing others of my positions.

Over the years, I manage a large database of everything I learned, edited, summarized, translated, wrote and published. A sentence that reflects the minority opinion I hold: “The strong mind deals with ideas, the average mind deals with events and the weak deals with people”. For this reason I do not attack people, do not slander, do not engage in spins or events. I deal with ideas that will do the most good for the most people.”

Who did you vote for in the last election? why?

The actions of Bennett and Shaked have always been to my satisfaction and I judge all politicians by their actions not their promises. Since 2013 up to and including today, I vote and am active in the network of Bennett, Shaked and “Ruch-Zionit” (former “Yimina”). I voted for them because they are the representatives of the public who did everything they could to promote the most important positions to me, on the issues relevant to me: political-security, legal, economic-social and religion-and-state. They did so while respecting their political opponents, respecting their voters and respecting dissenting opinions.”

What significant achievements did you see in the government led by Bennett?

“In the last year in security, Bennett’s abstract ideas have turned into an active policy. In his speeches, Bennett sought to promote the “octopus head doctrine” as a replacement for the “containment doctrine”. Iranians in Syria, and instead hit him directly on the head: Iran. Bennett, in fruitful cooperation with his government, realized his ideas in a series of bold deterrence operations, such as the arrest of the Mossad on Iranian soil, targeted assassinations, the thwarting of an attempted terrorist attack and the kidnapping of a former Israeli ambassador to Turkey, an unknown death of scientists, attacks by armed drones, unknown explosions in the Revolutionary Guards’ steel factories and more.

The Bennett-Lapid government brought a dramatic achievement to Israel, when they convinced the Americans not to remove the Revolutionary Guards from the list of terrorist organizations, a decision that actually prevented the signing of a new nuclear agreement. At the same time, the government built a Jewish-Sunni defense alliance with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates, to stabilize the Middle East and fill the void left behind by the United States. In addition, the government blocked the Biden initiative to reopen the American consulate for Palestinians in East Jerusalem that President Trump closed in 2018. Something that would have given legitimacy to the Palestinian claim to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine.

Alon Goldberg.  Private photo
Private photo

And do you believe that Ayelet Shaked will continue his path?

“Definitely. Among Ayelet Shaked’s achievements as Minister of Justice were the appointment of a record number of 334 judges and registrars to all courts, including six judges to the Supreme Court, with many of the judges fitting her conservative worldview. Shaked led to a radical change in the state’s answers to the High Court regarding settlement, and made sure that every answer to the Israel will undergo careful scrutiny in a way that has never been done before. Shaked also ensured external representation for the government at the High Court and took over all legal proceedings concerning Judea and Samaria, while ensuring that the judges would also consider the arguments of the settlers and judge justice.

As Minister of Justice, Shaked blocked thousands of extreme laws and illusory regulations, and saved us, the small citizens, from deepening bureaucracy, corruption and populism at the expense of the Israeli taxpayer. Shaked brought the information revolution to a taboo and formulated regulations that protect the farmers of the Valley from idle claims by Palestinians, by depositing a bond in the Court of Appeals.

A large part of Bennett’s voters are very disappointed with the way he chose, what do you say to them?

“Although the majority of the public thinks they have changed their minds, their opinion and manner of action has not changed at all in the past year. What has changed is their political image, in light of the severe split in the public on the yes/no Bibi question and after they put their trust in friends on the left and together they established the government of possible and compromise. Netanyahu supporters Interpret the very association with the “enemy” as “treason” and renouncing all principles and ideology. In complete contrast to the results in reality of the outgoing government that brought a series of historic achievements.”

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