Life & Health : Early Cancer Detection

by time news

Wednesday, August 3, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

Although cancer is a disease that no one wants to be. There are many types of cancer that can be cured today. Early detection of cancer is helpful. because early cancer The treatment was very effective. and to prevent the patient from developing advanced cancer which can be life threatening

Information from Dr. Sakan Bunnag, Director The National Cancer Institute has recommended Screening for early cancer that is a general health check in people with normal symptoms. to look for abnormalities in the body This may occur unknowingly, especially cancer, in order to hope for therapeutic results. Because cancer can be cured. If found in the early stages or the sooner the disease is found Life just got more secure.

The early detection of cancer is based on the following principles: 1. Asking for a detailed history. 2.Detailed physical examination and 3.Laboratory examination

1. A detailed history inquiry is important as it may be a basic guideline to aid in diagnosis, for example:

1.1 Family history

Most cancers are not genetically inherited. But some organ cancers are more likely to occur in siblings of the same family, such as some types of eye cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, etc.

1.2 Environmental history

It has been noted that certain environments can contribute to the development of certain types of cancer, such as those who work with radioactive materials for long periods of time. may be cancer white blood cells more than those in other occupations People who work in industries that use asbestos without good protective equipment for a long time are at risk of developing lung cancer.

1.3 Personal history

Personal habits and behaviors of the individual may also be Some causes of cancer, such as

– People who smoke a lot for a long time are more likely to develop lung cancer than non-smokers

– People with a history of having sex from a young age have a history of promiscuity, having many children Cervical cancer is more common than those who have never been married.

– Flatulence, loss of appetite, very thin

– Persistent hoarseness, chronic cough

– Warts or birthmarks that grow abnormally

– change in defecation unusual urination

1.4 History of various illnesses

– Blisters, nodules, ulcers on the breast, skin, lips, bulge of the cheeks, or on the tongue.

-Excessive vaginal discharge or abnormal vaginal bleeding

– A chronic wound that does not heal

2. Detailed physical examination

can help diagnose the disease but in practice Doctors cannot examine every organ. all systems in its entirety Therefore, there are guidelines that in general physical examination to detect early cancer organs should be examined As far as practicable is the skin and some tissues, head and neck, thorax and mammary glands, abdomen, genitals, rectum and lower colon.

3. Laboratory and other examinations

3.1 Laboratory examination

Help in the detection, diagnosis, treatment, including follow-up of treatment. Cancer, including blood tests, urine and stool tests, biochemical blood tests

3.2 X-ray examination (including CT scan and MRI)

It is helpful in diagnosing and treating certain cancers. There are many methods such as X-ray of the lungs. It’s one of the basic methods. in health examination, gastrointestinal x-ray For cases with digestive problems, mammography It is a test for abnormalities in the breast.

3.3 Nuclear medicine examination

The main principle in the examination is to have the patient swallow, inject the radioactive substance. some such substances will be included in some organs Then take pictures to check the distribution of the radioactivity, such as examination of tumors of the thyroid gland, brain, liver, bone, etc.

3.4 Examination using special tools such as endoscopy

To see the characteristics of the internal lining of some organs such as the trachea, esophagus, stomach, intestines, etc.

3.5 Cytological examination and pathology

cytology examination as a method of detection early stage cancer of organs such as

– Scraping cells from the mucous membranes of certain organs, such as the cervix, oral mucosa, etc.

-Collect cells from sources where the cells are trapped, such as in the vagina, in the sputum.

3.6 Pathological histological examination

It is the most important test in diagnosing cancer. by excision of tissue from the suspected area Send a detailed examination by microscope. Incidentally, cancer may occur in different organs. Some organ cancers may be easily diagnosed. Some organs are difficult to detect. But it was noted that the most common cancers. In our country, such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, rectum oral cancer It is a disease that is not difficult to diagnose. If interested in regular health checks

Asst. Prof. (Special) Dr. Aphisit Chattananont

Chairman Quality Mother Foundation

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