Biometric Vitale card: the Senate votes 20 million euros to launch the project in the fall

by time news

The objective is to fight against fraud, which would reach “6 billion euros, according to the lowest estimate”. The right-wing majority Senate voted overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday, as part of the draft amending budget (PLFR) for 2022, 20 million credits to launch the implementation of a biometric Vitale card. The senators adopted by 242 votes against 95 an amendment carried by Philippe Mouiller (LR) providing for “the first credits allowing to launch from the fall of 2022 (this) site”.

This amendment “will speed things up”, indicated the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, Gabriel Attal, who lifted the pledge (that is to say that there will be no financial compensation to be found). However, he stressed that “the essential issue is to obtain the support of health professionals”. The Minister of Health, François Braun, had recently proposed the establishment of a “parliamentary mission” on this biometric Vitale card, demanded for a long time by the right and the far right.

The majority were against at the end of 2022

“We are going to create a device to quickly launch a biometric Vitale card, which prevents fraud. This will be a condition of our vote for the PLFR because the government is once again trying to create a diversion, by creating a parliamentary mission on the subject… even though there is an experiment in progress which is positive”, indicated to the Parisian on 22 July the leader of the senatorial right, Bruno Retailleau.

In the hemicycle of the Luxembourg Palace, the debate crystallized on the choice of LR senators to “pledge” these new expenses from the budget dedicated to state medical aid, for undocumented foreigners. “Unworthy”, protested the ecologist Raymonde Poncet Monge, his colleague Mélanie Vogel castigating “an aberration to take credits which are used to treat people”. The three left-wing groups, PS, CRCE with a communist majority, and ecologist, voted against the amendment.

The presidential majority rejected a bill by LR senators on the same subject at the end of 2020, in particular in the name of “protection of privacy and personal data”. This time she had to bow.

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