“enlarged prostate” you men should not be overlooked. If not urgently treated, there may be complications: PPTVHD36

by time news

As we age, hormonal changes gradually decrease, even in males whose physical, emotional and mental changes are the same as those of postmenopausal women. especially prostate disorders It is common among Thai men. The number 1 found is prostate disease up to 80%, followed by prostate cancer 18% and prostatitis by 2%. As soon as possible, the mild symptoms will increase.

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Check the symptoms of “syphilis”, do not rush to treat the disease spreading, destroying other organs.

known prostate disease

BPH (Benign Prostate Hyperplasia) is an abnormally large prostate gland located beneath the bladder that surrounds the urethra and narrows the urethra. Found in men aged 45 years and older, especially in men aged 70 years and older, found up to 80%.

The HPV vaccine can be administered to men. Reduces the risk of cancer-causing infections

telltale symptoms

In medicine, the focus is mainly on urinary excretion symptoms of abnormal patients. greater than the size of the prostate Symptoms can be observed as follows:

  • urinary incontinence
  • Frequent urination, especially at night
  • Urinary incontinence or having to strain to urinate until it comes out
  • not urinating Intermittent stumbles, dripping urine at the end incomplete urination
  • Acute urinary incontinence
  • very severe urination pain

Burning urination, pain, rash on the genitals, signs of “gonorrhea”

Method of diagnosis

An enlarged prostate is diagnosed using the following methods:

  • Take a history to check for symptoms
  • Blood test, urinalysis, and urinary tract strength test
  • Altered prostate size ultrasound
  • Examine the prostate through the rectal tube “DRE” (Digital Rectal Examination) for abnormalities.

treat enlarged prostate

Methods for the treatment of enlarged prostate are divided into

1. Treatment with drugs to help relieve the contraction of the prostate muscles.

Including the anti-neuropathy drug Alpha (Alpha Blocker) inhibits the production of testosterone 5 alpha reductase (DHT) and affects the size of the prostate. The doctor will treat the symptoms mainly.

2. Surgical scraping of the prostate by endoscopic bladder

It’s a popular method. Which must be done by a medical professional, there are 2 types:

  • Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) is a surgical treatment using a laparoscope through the urethra. The doctor then cuts or scrapes the prostate into small pieces with a stent for cutting and a monopolar single-charge electrocardiogram to cut and stop bleeding along the way.
  • Laparoscopy TURPV (Transurethral Vaporized – Resection of the Prostate) or Plasma Kinetic (PK) uses a bipolar double-charged electrical system to cut and stoke. It improves the efficiency of keeping the tissue under the cut and electrocuted from overcharging. There is a tissue sublimation system similar to the use of laser light is vaporization.

3. Green Light PVP (Green Light PVP : Photo – Selective Vaporization of Prostate) surgery

New innovation of prostate surgery technique The principle is to insert a tube with a small camera through the urethra. like laparoscopic surgery Instead, they switched from using a scraper to high-powered laser beams directed at obstructive sites in the prostate gland. The laser light will cause the tissue that is blocking the urinary tract to sublimate gradually, resulting in less blood loss. Suitable for very elderly people or with congenital disease that cannot stop blood clotting drugs.

4. Treatment with Thulium Laser Vaporesection of the Prostate

It is as effective as PVP. The difference is that a small piece of obstructive prostate biopsy can be used for further diagnosis in the event that the patient is at risk of prostate cancer and prostate cancer. It can be used to treat urethral stricture from fibrosis.

Complications if not treated promptly

  • cystitis
  • bloody urine because the prostate is swollen
  • kidney failure, kidney failure

Because the abnormal growth of the prostate is something that men should not overlook. In addition to observing while urinating, at the age of 45 years and older, you should have an internal check-up with a specialized doctor to detect risks and prevent early treatment.

Thank you health information from Bangkok Hospital

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