Anti-Semitism: Éric Dupond-Moretti “does not regret” his remarks made in the Assembly

by time news

He does not “regret”. After the outcry caused in the National Assembly on Tuesday, causing the departure of deputies from Nupes, Éric Dupond-Moretti intends to assume his words. During the session of questions to the government, the Keeper of the Seals had pointed the finger at “the far right” but especially “the far left” and a recent proposal, signed by around forty elected leftists who condemn the “regime of apartheid” of Israel against the Palestinians, “an institutionalized regime of oppression and systematic domination by a single racial group”. The text had caused controversy and provoked a series of condemnations of associations.

“I do not regret my words and what I said, I said it in the hemicycle. No, I don’t regret anything I said,” insisted the minister on Wednesday, questioned by journalists during a press briefing on the sidelines of a trip to the Baumettes prison in Marseille.

The left calls for a public apology

Manuel Bompard, who is not a signatory of the resolution, demanded an apology from Élisabeth Borne and Éric Dupond-Moretti on Wednesday morning on RFI, “because we cannot speak against a part of the national representation of the accusations of anti-Semitism”, this “without any fact: no person from LFI has ever been suspected, convicted, prosecuted, for anti-Semitic remarks or acts”, he argued.

Manuel Bompard, also enjoined the Minister of Justice on Wednesday, “if he considers that there are anti-Semites in the National Assembly”, to “bring them before the courts”, because anti-Semitism is “not an opinion but a crime”. He also accused the government of using this suspicion “as a kind of paralyzing ray to disqualify this or that political party. »

The Insoumis Aymeric Caron had also asked “an apology” to Élisabeth Borne after she estimated, targeting LFI, that being a Republican “is not the case for everyone on these benches” at the Assembly.

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