This morning a march left Kfar Saba to return Hadar Goldin

by time news

Mayor Rafi Sa’ar: “The Israeli government must do everything to return its soldiers and prisoners from the battlefield”

Goldin’s march Barge photo 1

This morning (Wednesday) she left the Garden of Remembrance in Kfar Saba, marching for the return of the boys, Hadar Goldin, Oron Shaul and Avra ​​Mengistu. The march in his memory was initiated by members of the Goldin family. After the gathering, a briefing by the police and the words of Hadar’s parents, Simcha and Leah, and his twin brother Zur Goldin, Mayor Rafi Sa’ar also spoke.

The march was joined by council members Danny HaRosh, Amir Kolman, department managers, municipal employees and a large public who left all their occupations and came to take part in the significant march for the return of the boys. The march was secured by large police forces alongside urban police and patrol forces.

Mayor Rafi Sa’ar and Simcha Goldin

Goldin family march

“It’s been 8 years since our lieutenant Hadar Goldin was killed and kidnapped. For 8 years his parents, Leah and Simcha, his brother and sister, and all of us with them – have been waiting for his return home.” Kfar Saba Mayor Rafi Sa’ar said, “The Israeli government must do everything to return its soldiers and prisoners from the battlefield – this is our moral duty! I call on the citizens of Israel to join the important struggle for the return of the IDF soldiers and its citizens – Hadar Goldin, Oron Shaul and Avra ​​Mengistu, home. We will continue to hug the families and stand by them.’

City Council member Amir Kolman: “For 8 years the IDF soldiers, Lt. Hadar Goldin and Sgt. Oron Shaul, have been held in Gaza by Hamas. For years the Goldin, Shaul and Mengisto families have been waiting for the boys to return home. This morning we left in a mass march, from Kfar Saba towards Gaza with the important message of “the return of the boys” The residents of Kfar Saba along with all of Beit Israel are calling on the Israeli government to end the current situation and return the boys home.
I thank the municipal officials and the Kfar Saba police for the assistance and organization that enabled the march to take place in an orderly and exemplary manner and call on the entire public in Israel to join the march, everyone as much as they can.”

The march, which was led by the family of the late Hadar Goldin, progressed along Weizman Street westward to Tschernihovsky Street, where the marchers turned right and connected to Route 4 heading south. The march will take place in three sections that can be joined at any stage – the march will leave Kfar Saba and finish its route as mentioned On this day near the “Shaar Rishon” mall in Rishon Lezion. On Thursday, the march is expected to proceed from Rishon Lezion to Kibbutz Nitzanim. The next day, the march will leave Nitzanim towards the Gaza Strip fence, where it will end.

Marching for the return of the boys

(Photos: Municipality Spokesperson)

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