Gérald Darmanin postpones his bill at the request of Matignon

by time news

Change of calendar, and change of method. Gérald Darmanin announces the postponement, at the request of Matignon, of the immigration bill whose examination was to begin in the Senate in October. It will be replaced by a “great debate” on the subject in the National Assembly and the Senate, explains the Minister of the Interior in an interview with the Figaro posted on Wednesday.

“In October, we will put on the agenda of the National Assembly and the Senate a major debate on immigration before a finalized bill is presented. We have a proposal for a legislative text, but for such a subject, two months of consultation are not too much, ”declares the Minister of the Interior daily. Last week, the boss of senators LR Bruno Retailleau was delighted that the text was examined at first reading in the Senate. It was to be in the week of October 10, said a government source.

Great Debate

The great debate in the two chambers of Parliament will be preceded, “at the request of Prime Minister” Elisabeth Borne, by a consultation at the Ministry of the Interior “with all the parties, the social partners, the associations and the representatives of the civil society”, specifies the tenant of the place Beauvau.

This consultation will be done “on the basis of our proposals”, continued the Minister, some of which have already been announced in recent days such as the conditioning of a residence permit on “obtaining a certificate proving the mastery of French and acceptance of the values ​​of the Republic”.

New measures

It also lists the measures envisaged to allow the effective expulsion of delinquent foreigners, such as the abolition of the provisions prohibiting this (marriage, arrival in France before the age of 13). Last week, he said he was assuming “a form of double punishment” for delinquent foreigners, namely punishment and then expulsion.

Among the new measures, the Minister proposes that an expulsion decision be pronounced “as soon as the asylum application is rejected” and that appeals to the National Court for the Right of Asylum should be made before a single judge, against three currently. The Minister also proposes a “sharp reduction in the number of procedures applicable” in terms of expulsion to reduce the time for appeal and “simplify the rules of litigation for foreigners”, claiming to rely on the recommendations of the Council of State and the report by Senator LR François-Noël Buffet.

Gérald Darmanin also wants to accelerate the dematerialization of the files of immigration candidates by experimenting with “pre-instruction “back office”” to eliminate the queues in front of the prefectures.

Finally, on the aspect of economic immigration, the minister says he is ready with the Minister of Labor Olivier Dussopt “to imagine additional quotas by profession or by sector in tension”, such as the hotel industry, construction or catering. The debate on professional immigration quotas, antiphon of the right and scarecrow on the left, had been relaunched in October 2019 by Edouard Philippe, then Prime Minister, but these had not been established.

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