How did the US deal with Al Qaeda leader? – Shocking information How did the US deal with Al Qaeda leader?

by time news

Al Zawahiri

To see who this person is who has been settled by America and what is his background, we need to look back a little in the pages of history.

That day, September 11, 2001, has been recorded as a dark chapter in American history.

It was on that day that the al-Qaeda terrorist organization led by Bin Laden crashed planes into the Washington Pentagon, the headquarters of the US military, and the New York World Trade Center, which had been said to be impenetrable until that day, killing more than 3,000 people.

The United States intended to kill Bin Laden for that. After a 10-year manhunt, he was gunned down by the US Army on May 2, 2011, in an operation called ‘Operation Neptune Sphere’, in the compound of his secret residence in Abbottabad, Pakistan. It is an old story that his body was buried in the sea in 24 hours.

The new leader is al-Zawahiri

Ayman al-Zawahiri is the name of the person who plotted and masterminded this American attack and became the leader of the movement after bin Laden and became a headache for the world.

Al Qaeda did not wash its hands of the US attack. Bali, Mambasa, Riyadh, Jakarta, Istanbul, Madrid, London and many other cities of the world staged terrorist attacks. Al-Zawahiri was the mastermind behind these.

Bin Laden was dealt with during the administration of Barack Obama, who was the president of the Democratic Party, while the plan that put Al-Zawahiri in place now was the administration of Joe Biden, who was the president of the same Democratic Party.

Foundation for a secret plan

The foundation for this secret project was laid last May and June.

The United States knew that this al-Zawahiri, who had sprinkled dust in America’s eyes for about 21 years, was in Afghanistan.

The order was born from the Washington White House for intelligence to get ‘A to Z’ information on al-Zawahiri’s whereabouts in Afghanistan, what his daily lifestyle is like, what he does every day.

Intelligence came into the field.

Al-Zawahiri lives in Afghanistan, its capital, Kabul, and the secret house belongs to Sirajuddin Haqqani, the senior commander of the Taliban organization that rules Afghanistan. The house was first visited by Al-Zawahiri’s wife and daughter. Reports such as Al-Zawahiri following them were received and confirmed. The next step was to collect personal information about him.

It is reliably reported that sitting alone on the balcony of his mansion in the early hours of the morning reading the day’s newspapers was not only his favorite but also his routine. America thought, ‘Wow, isn’t this the right moment?’

Command was born…

America began moving the next pieces neatly. Efforts to fix al-Zawahiri began to heat up. America thought that only he should be killed and no harm should be done to others especially civilians. Accordingly strategies were devised to kill him. Everything was kept secret by Chidambara.

US military intelligence officials presented the al-Zawahiri assassination plan to President Joe Biden at the White House on the 1st of last month. He consulted with his senior officials about this, Joe Biden.

Subsequently, US President Joe Biden issued an order on the 25th to the CIA of the United States that Al-Zawahiri could be dealt with.

A sophisticated missile was shot down

Subsequently, the day was set to settle Al-Zawahiri, who had a price tag of $25 million (about Rs.200 crore). That day is Sunday, July 31, 2022!

Al-Zawahiri, sitting on the balcony of his mansion in the early hours of the morning as usual reading the newspaper, did not know that “this is my last day, we are going to be the news”.

A drone sent by the US military flew to Kabul. On that drone came the deadly weapon, the sophisticated ‘Hellfire R9X’ missile. This missile is different. It has 6 razor-like blades. It will not explode. Silence will end the story of the targeted person. Additional information is that this missile is almost like a nuclear weapon.

A drone arrives at Al Zawahiri’s mansion. A Hellfire R9X missile was launched from it. Al-Zawahiri’s history of terrorism has written a silent conclusion.

The world was shaken

When Joe Biden announced that Al-Zawahiri had been killed in an American attack, the world was shocked and said, “Isn’t it, America; America is like America in accomplishing what it thinks.”

But if anyone asks whether Al-Qaeda’s terrorism will end with Al-Zawahiri, the answer is no!

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