Women should not ignore 4 diseases that are not cancer but threaten their health : PPTVHD36

by time news

healthy woman There should not be any abnormal symptoms during menstruation. Although some of you may have pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation. But it should not be very severe because if the pain is severe every time It may be a warning sign of an internal disease that needs to be examined and treated.

If you have any of these symptoms, do not panic.

1. Menstrual pain until having to rest, stop working or have to take painkillers or having pain during sex

2. have a lot of menstruation There may also be weakness or paleness.

9 warning symptoms “women” do not worry about the risk of “chocolate cysts”

Lump “hair, teeth” in the ovary, not Mr. Occult. but a dermoid cyst

3. Frequent urination Until at night I have to get up to go to the bathroom 2-3 times.

4. Acute lower abdominal pain The pain gets worse and worse if lying or sitting in certain positions.

Pain indicates disease.

1. uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are the most common female disease. Some muscle cells divide and grow into a mass that is inserted into the muscle layer. We still don’t know the cause of this disease. But genetics are probably involved. Some families are everyone from every mother and every daughter. Even if it’s not a disease But some women can have severe symptoms. Symptoms vary depending on the location of the tumor.

Women will feel weak and tired easily from anemia.

  • tumors located beneath the uterine lining It will cause heavy menstruation and menstruation for many days.
  • Tumor that is anterior below the bladder to press on the bladder cause frequent urination Some people may have difficulty urinating.
  • tumor on the back Will press the colon until constipation.
  • a tumor that extends to the side May press on the ureter, affecting the kidney function.
  • Tumors at the top of the uterus Most are asymptomatic and are detected when the lump is already very large.

Beware of 3 common symptoms, signs of internal diseases in women

Women should not ignore 4 diseases that are not cancer, but threaten their health.

2. Endometriosis and chocolate cysts

Endometriosis is very common in women of childbearing age. The disease is associated with menstruation. 90% of women will have blood flowing back into the pelvis during menstruation. Some endometrial cells do not die. Will continue to develop until the endometrial hyperplasia in the pelvis, about 10 percent of women this age will have this disease. The reason is because women today have early and long periods. Before getting married and having children, menstruation is not less than 10-20 years, so there are many chances of getting this disease.

Endometrial hyperplasia, which causes pelvic fibrosis, later forms a small cyst of chocolate-like fluid that slowly squeezes the ovaries. and enlarged until a large cyst becomes a chocolate cyst (Chocolate Cyst). When it is more, there will be pain during sex. chronic pain with prolonged daily pain If the disease has spread to the bladder or colon, there will be bloody urination or stools. Some people may have symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Many women with the disease will also be infertile.

“Herpes” is not easy to attach, but it can be attached. Know clearly differentiate “chickenpox – monkeypox”

Women should not ignore 4 diseases that are not cancer, but threaten their health.

Ovarian cyst or cyst

  • An ovarian cyst is a cyst formed by cells in the ovary itself. There are two main types of ovarian cysts:
  • A cyst formed by epithelial cells.
  • A cyst formed by skin cells (dermoid cyst)

Generally in the early stages there are no symptoms. But the cyst will gradually grow larger as the cyst grows until it can swing. I have a chance to twist the terminal in the ovaries of women. Acute pain in the lower abdomen Initially, the pain will be intermittent and the pain will go away. If the twisting of the pole returns to its normal position But the pain will get worse until the pain spreads all over the stomach. When terminal torsion is so severe that ovarian congestion At this stage, the pain is so severe that the pain is unbearable and requires emergency medical attention.

Poor quality sleep, “enlarged heart” risk, life-threatening if you do not hurry to check

4. Disease of the uterus from endometrial growth in the wrong place. (Adenomyosis)

This disease does not have a specific name in Thai. Adenomyosis is a disease in which endometrial cells grow in the muscular layer of the uterus. (Similar to endometriosis, where endometrial cells grow in the pelvis), endometrial cells grow and break down during the menstrual cycle.

During menstruation, these cells break down, causing inflammation in the muscle layer. stimulate the contraction of the uterus cause menstrual pain After menopause, fibrosis occurs in this muscle layer. The condition recurs during each menstrual cycle. This makes the uterus bigger and more round and the symptoms can be more severe. In addition to having menstrual pain Heavy menstrual periods are also a common symptom. In severe cases, there will be chronic pain, lingering pain, or pain similar to menstrual pain almost every day.

Flatulence, abdominal distension, palpation, found “ovarian cancer”, the danger of women

Women should not ignore 4 diseases that are not cancer, but threaten their health.

Although it is not a disease or cancer, but the 4 diseases as mentioned above It can cause symptoms that affect health to varying degrees, in some cases asymptomatic. But there are changes that can cause serious health hazards later.

Therefore, if there is only one abnormal symptom, you should see an obstetrician-gynecologist. Or even if there are no abnormal symptoms, you should have a health check every year. and by using high-frequency sound waves together with internal examination in the detection of such conditions or diseases so no pain Feel at ease in checking

women should notice Symptoms, indications and warning signs of “cancer”

Women should not ignore 4 diseases that are not cancer, but threaten their health.

treatment approach

Treatment guidelines for all 4 diseases will use surgical treatment, such as removing the cyst. uterine fibroid removal, ovarian removal, and hysterectomy Each type of surgery depends on the type of disease. The age of the examined and the need for future fertility. for example

  • If your age (40 years or older) has a uterine fibroid Hysterectomy is a suitable surgery.
  • But if you are young (30 years or less) want to have children in the future but chocolate cysts The appropriate surgery is water bag removal, etc.

Surgery nowadays is commonly used laparoscopic surgery. which is very less painful during and after surgery short hospital stay And recovering to work quickly, only 1 week can return to work

Check the symptoms of “syphilis”, do not rush to treat the disease spreading, destroying other organs.

Thank you health information from Bangkok Hospital

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