New boost for the purchase of an electric bike

by time news

The measure went virtually unnoticed… except in the eyes of bicycle enthusiasts. The new amending finance bill, currently being adopted by Parliament, devotes an amendment to aid for the purchase of electrically assisted bicycles (VAE). This bonus has existed since July 2021. The new legislation proposes to relax the conditions for obtaining the subsidy as well as to increase its amount, which will increase from 200 to 300 € from August 15.

The aid will be increased to €400 for people with disabilities and the most precarious households – 1st and 2nd income deciles, i.e. approximately €13,000 –, “grossly underrepresented” among the users of the device, recognized the Renaissance deputies (ex-LREM). An exceptional subsidy of a maximum of €150 could also be granted to them for the purchase of classic bicycles.

Future users of cargo bikes or bikes adapted for disabled people will be able to benefit from an envelope of up to €2,000, and folding bikes, new to the system, will be able to benefit from a bonus of €1,000. maximum within the limit of 40% of the cost of the two-wheeler.

A permanent measure

If the French Federation of Bicycle Users (FUB) welcomes “a very positive first step”, she is worried about the conditions for obtaining these subsidies, such as not exceeding a certain level of income. An implementing decree, signed by the Minister of Transport, must indeed specify in the coming days the terms of granting, and in particular the income thresholds to be eligible for this aid.

“Why only part of the population could benefit from it, when the fuel discount is for everyone, including the wealthy classes? », asks Olivier Schneider, president of the association.

“Today, the challenge is to make this measure permanent and to make it universal aid, which could of course be modulated according to resources”, he continues, recalling that the measure is only applicable until December 31, 2022. The Federation also calls for more help for users in financial difficulty in the payment of the remainder to be paid.

Relax the rules

Another flagship measure of the new law: it makes it possible to receive national aid without this being conditional on the granting of local aid. Because, until now, to benefit from the boost of the State, the consumer had to have access to a subsidy allocated by a local authority. However, such aid was not very widespread outside towns of more than 500,000 inhabitants.

Finally, the conversion bonus will increase to €3,000. This bonus, initially planned for an amount of €1,500, aims to encourage the acquisition of a new or used pedelec, in exchange for the scrapping of a polluting car. It can be used for the purchase of several two-wheelers, whereas it was previously limited to one bicycle per household.

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