the interns put the hospitals on notice

by time news

“Your establishment does not currently apply the decree on the working time of interns and its control methods as recommended by the public health code”, alerts from the first lines the mail sent to nearly 400 hospitals on July 27. The purpose of the letter, co-signed by the National Intersyndicale of interns, the Autonomous National Intersyndicale Representative of General Medicine Interns (Isnar-IMG), the National Federation of Pharmacy and Medical Biology Interns Unions (FNSIP-BM ) and the League for the health of medical students and interns (Lipseim): call hospitals to order one last time before initiating legal proceedings.

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“We tried in different ways. In 2019, for example, interns went on strike. Nothing has moved. We’re just looking for law enforcement. Nothing more “explains Alexis Plan, co-president of the FNSIP-BM.

On June 22, the Council of State had already taken a position on the question. Seized by several trade unions who wanted a strengthening of the regulations on the limitation of the working time of interns, it had concluded that the law in the current state was already quite clear. The working time of an intern cannot exceed forty-eight hours per week or eight half-days, calculated on average on the basis of three months.

A period of three months

While organizations representing interns are calling for “monthly nominative service tables”already required by the public health code, in order to be able to count the hours worked, the Council of State has ordered hospitals to set up “a reliable, objective and accessible system” allowing the calculation.

Read also Medical interns go on strike to demand better working conditions

A call to order which obviously had no effect on the ground. “Many institutions are unaware of the regulations. Some called us to ask for clarification after receiving the mail”assures Théophile Denise, first vice-president of Isnar-IMG.

“Some establishments count the number of days worked by interns but not the number of hours”, specifies Blandine Vacquier, member of the Lipseim. A situation that prevents students from benefiting from ” compensatory rest “ : “A forecast table must make it possible to realize if an intern has done an additional call, for example, and give rise to RTT over the quarter. If an intern works eighty-six hours in one week, he shouldn’t be working the next week.”indignant Théophile Denise.

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