Violent video games are more popular because they satisfy basic needs –

by time news
from Cristina Marrone

According to the research, video games such as GTA, Fortnite and Call of Duty satisfy needs such as a sense of control, social relationships and skills. For some they represent a refuge to achieve greater self-esteem

Video games are not just a hobby for children or teenagers. People of all ages, men but increasingly also women, from all walks of life play videogames, now present in almost all homes in the world. However, there is one genre of game that seems to be the most popular of all: the violent game and we don’t really know why. Many criticize GTA, Fortnite, COD for their aggressive content, but few studies have explored why these games are so popular. Now a study published in Motivation Science conducted by University of Sydney biology and psychology researchers and reported by Medical Press suggests that violent games are very popular because they offer the opportunity to satisfy our psychological needs. The motivations that lead us to play violent video games would derive from our desire to improve as individuals: «They allow us to improve our abilities compared to others and overcome our fearsIs the opinion of Michael Kasumovic, one of the authors of the study from the School of Psychology, UNSW Science in Sydney. A kind of reward effect with respect to our motivation.

Fulfillment of primary desires

According to the research, the human aspects that are rewarded by video games are the sense of control, social relations and the recognition of our skills. Violent video games usually provide all of this, whether it’s choosing more powerful weapons, killing enemies, working with other characters, or achieving new goals. “Violent video games lend themselves to satisfying our psychological needs because they are designed in a way that allows us to gain a sense of control and achievement and help us understand where we fit in a social hierarchy based on our gaming performance,” says Kasumovic. . Violent video games also allow gamers to experiment, according to the research dangerous situations, which we probably wouldn’t face in real life.

Like sport

According to the authors, the reason we play violent video games could be similar to some of the reasons that they push us to play sports. Basically, they are a way to manage aggressive behavior and our innate drive to compete in a socially acceptable way. “Violent video games help explore our fears around death and can help express emotions, especially the anger. Before the digital age, people had to leave the house to play with others, today we have the means to do it with digital interactions »says Kasumovic. Unlike traditional sports, video games can be mastered by almost anyone, regardless of physical ability: in fact, physical strength or athletic performance is not the basis of success, but the skill and level achieved with experience. Basically you can win games and become champions sitting comfortably on the sofa.

Looking for a refuge

According to the authors, violent video games also represent a refuge for those who have frustrated desires or find themselves in a social status that does not satisfy. Indeed, research suggests that those who perceive themselves as inferior in their social group or those who experience an unsatisfied desire for domination (influence or control over others) has a higher chance of playing violent video games: The less these needs are met in the real world, the more likely they are to search for them in the digital world.

“Video games can allow some people to get what they can’t get in the real world, like greater self-esteem and a better social position. It is possible that people from lower social groups are attracted to violent video games out of the desire to achieve a higher status, which perhaps they can achieve in the game, ”say the authors. Playing online with other people allows you to have instant feedback and pushes you to play more and more to constantly improve your performance: this can lead to addiction, with the risk that the virtual life imposes itself on the real one. There still remains an unanswered question: Can the effects of psychological fulfillment achieved with violent video games be carried over to daily life? Researchers will seek to understand with further investigation whether there can actually be real-life effects on leadership building and the work of squad.

August 4, 2022 (change August 4, 2022 | 15:15)

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