Personal loans are a method to buy a console for your children

by time news

The video game industry has grown tremendously since the 1990s. Currently, the main companies in the sector collect billions of euros each year from the sale of hardware, games and additional services.

With the appearance of the ninth generation of consoles, video game lovers are looking forward to trying out the new technology. If you have teenagers or young children, surely they have already asked you for one of these products as a gift during the first months of the year.

However, fulfilling that desire can be more difficult than ever. Since 2020, sales have been well below initial projections, not because of a lack of buyers but because of the low number of units in business.


A trend that is common in the first few months since its launch is the lack of consoles available to buy. The date of departure of the products is chosen especially in order to capture the peak of demand, but this does not coincide with an adequate level of production to satisfy it.

Every week, the main retail businesses in Spain announce the arrival of a few dozen consoles, which are practically finished on the spot.

The explanation is well known: the demand for electronic chips is affecting the production of all kinds of devices, including mobile phones and hardware in general. Causes as diverse as the COVID pandemic and trade wars explain this phenomenon, which makes accessing a video game console as complicated as finding a needle in a haystack.

Even in the case of having the great fortune to find stock of a video game console, its price could be prohibitive for your pocket. None of the products on the market are available for less than 400 euros, not counting the additional equipment and necessary accessories, such as extra controls or a high definition television. The games also have a high price, so if you want your children to be able to enjoy the most popular releases, you will have to pay more than 60 euros for each of them.

All added up, if you do not have enough income or savings for a purchase of this magnitude, you will have to find alternatives to finance yourself. Online credits could be a good option in the absence of own funds.


Personal loans are credits for low amounts, up to at most a couple of thousand euros, especially aimed at private customers who have to face extraordinary expenses. Unlike a traditional bank loan, the requirements are much less demanding and you do not have to go through an extensive credit evaluation to obtain them.

Before requesting a personal loan online, the best option is to consult a credit comparator to see which company offers you the lowest rates and commissions. Once you choose the provider, by completing a form you will receive the money in your account in just a matter of minutes.

The main point against buying a console with an online loan is the high financial cost. An instrument of this type has an interest rate much higher than that of a classic bank loan, so, at the end of the agreed term, you will have paid a large amount of money in addition to what was requested.

For this reason, taking advantage of this tool can be useful if you cannot use your own savings, but you must do so responsibly. A bad calculation could put your accounts in the red and seriously complicate your personal finances in the future.

With a personal loan you can give your children the gift they are waiting for. Buy a video game console and pay for it in easy installments, without worries or paperwork!

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