To prevent aging, here are 4 magical drinks

by time news

The foods and drinks we consume regularly play a big role in our health, especially as we age. And while there is no way to stop the aging process, we can include things in our diet that can help us age in the healthiest way possible.

Chronic inflammation may be a common problem that can accelerate the aging process. There are many factors that can contribute to inflammation, such as a diet rich in processed foods, smoking, and others.

In this context, a number of nutritionists have reported the existence of drinks that can help reduce inflammation and slow the aging process, according to the Eat this Not That website.

Drinking water (iStock)


Dr. Dana Ellis Hones, author of Recipe for Survival, said staying hydrated by drinking water is one of the most important habits that reduce inflammation.

She added, “When we feel dehydrated, it adds extra stress to the body, and stress increases inflammation.

Along with reducing inflammation and stress in the body, drinking water is essential to living a longer life as well, and according to an article in Nutrition Reviews, dehydration, as well as electrolyte deficiency, are linked to increased mortality and disease.

Coffee (iStock)

Coffee (iStock)

black coffee

In parallel, coffee is known to be an anti-inflammatory drink because it contains polyphenols and antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and reduce stress and inflammation in the body.

However, it is important to note that most research points to the health benefits of black coffee, that is, coffee that is not loaded with cream and sugar.

And if you’re not a fan of black coffee, maybe try creams and sweeteners that contain less added sugar because studies have found that sugary drinks may contribute to increased inflammation.

For example, one study published in Nutrition Reviews found that higher amounts of added sugar in coffee, tea, and other beverages were associated with higher levels of inflammatory markers in the body.

Herbal tea (iStock)

Herbal tea (iStock)

herbal tea

In addition, Dr. Trista Best explained that most hot herbal teas have health benefits based on their contents of phytonutrients, many of which are anti-inflammatory and help reduce toxins in the body.

Many of these teas have unique combinations of nutrients, she said. For example, “Hibiscus tea, in particular, is a powerhouse of vitamin C.

One study published in Drug Design, Development and Therapy found that vitamin C could have the ability to reduce inflammation in people with diabetes or high blood sugar.

Avocado (iStock)

Avocado (iStock)

Add avocado to your smoothie

If you are a fan of juice in the morning or in the afternoon, you may want to start adding avocado to your drink.

Not only will avocados give your smoothie a boost of cream, but they’re packed with nutrients that can help reduce inflammation and slow aging.

In this context, said Dr. Rachel Fine, avocados are rich in beneficial fats (monounsaturated fats) that have been shown to reduce inflammatory markers in the blood.

It’s also rich in antioxidant polyphenols, which are thought to offer cardiovascular benefits such as lowering cholesterol levels, as well as vitamin E, which can help those with dry skin by creating a hydrating layer on the skin’s surface, she added.

Finally, avocados contain a small amount of the carotenoid lutein, which may support reductions in age-related macular degeneration.

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