In the second quarter, job creation accelerated in the private sector

by time news

Over the last three months, 102,500 net job creations have been counted, against 69,500 between January and March, according to INSEE.

After a mixed start to the year, salaried job creations in the private sector rebounded this quarter. According to the latest data from INSEE, published on Friday, 102,500 net creations were counted in three months, an increase of 0.5%, more dynamic than that observed between January and March.

In the first quarter, job creation in the private sector had slowed considerably: 66,100 jobs had been counted by Insee, a figure almost twice as low as the last three months of 2021. This 0.3% increase, however, confirmed the strong resistance of the French labor market, despite uncertainty, the war in Ukraine and inflation. “In total, at the end of March 2022 private salaried employment exceeded its level before the health crisis (i.e. end of 2019) by 2.0% (+389,700 jobs)“, qualified the national statisticians in the note published last May.

More information to come…

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