3 simple habits that help reduce dementia… What are they?

by time news

Older age is a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Global estimates indicate that 5 to 7% of people over the age of sixty suffer from some form of dementia, according to what was published by Psychology Today.

By 2050, as the world’s population continues to live longer and older, the number of people living with dementia could triple to nearly 165 million people globally.

But modifying daily habits and lifestyles can reduce the risk of developing dementia with age, as new research suggests that three lifestyle factors contribute to this.

In a cohort study published in the journal Neurology, based on the UK Biobank project, researcher Professor Hwan Song and colleagues analyzed data from 501,376 participants, aged 40 to 69, none of whom had dementia in the study selection period from 2006 to 2010. During the 10-year study period, 5,185 participants developed dementia.

Doing Housework – Expressive

3 factors that reduce the risk of dementia

1. Frequent physical activity: is associated with a 35% lower risk of dementia.
2. Doing household chores is associated with a 21% lower risk of dementia.
3. Social visits with friends/family: Associated with a 15% lower risk of dementia.

“The results indicated that exercise, housework and social visits are associated with a reduced risk of various types of dementia,” Song said in a press release.

Visiting Friends - Emoji

Visiting Friends – Emoji

The results of the study are encouraging and suggest that simple lifestyle modifications, including regular exercise, household chores and an active social life, can help reduce the risk of developing dementia as you age.

More research is also needed to confirm this year’s latest findings on the role that physical activity, housework and social visits can play in reducing dementia risk.

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