Erdogan and Putin friends as ever as grain deliveries continue

by time news

Did you miss the latest events on the tensions in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 Minutes updates you every night at 7:30 p.m. Who did what? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

On Friday, three new shipments of Ukrainian corn left the country in a convoy, the Turkish Defense Ministry said. The three buildings will serve Ireland, England and Turkey, according to the same source.

Simultaneously, a cargo ship is heading to the port of Chernomorsk, Ukraine, to load grain there, the ministry said. All are progressing under the watchful eye of the Joint Coordination Center (JCC) established in Istanbul under the terms of the international agreement signed in Istanbul on July 22.

The phrase

The actions [des forces russes] probably compromised the safety and security of the plant”

In its daily update on Ukraine, the British Ministry of Defense expressed concern about the situation at the Zaporijjia nuclear power plant. “After five months of occupation, Russia’s intentions regarding the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant remain unclear. However, the actions they took at the facility likely undermined the safety and security of the normal operations of the plant,” he commented.

The number

The 15% reduction in gas consumption within the EU will come into force “at the beginning of next week” to compensate for the reduction in Russian deliveries, the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU announced on Friday.

“The gas demand reduction regulation has been formally adopted. The text will be published in the Official Journal at the beginning of next week and will come into force one day after its publication”, specified the presidency on its Twitter account. It should be published on Monday and will come into force on Tuesday, a European diplomatic source said.

The trend

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is taking advantage of his role as “mediator” to place his pawns. Visiting Sochi, he agreed with the Russian President to strengthen energy and economic cooperation.

The Turkish head of state also said he hoped that his meeting with Vladimir Putin would “open a very different page in Russian-Turkish relations”, adding that delegations from the two countries had had “very productive” discussions, in particular on trade and tourism.

The Turkish president also said he wanted to speak with his Russian counterpart about Syria, where Ankara threatens to launch a military operation against Kurdish groups which he describes as “terrorists”, which Moscow opposes. The Turkish head of state also said he wanted to ensure that the construction of the Akkuyu nuclear power plant by the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom, in southern Turkey, would respect the “fixed timetable”.

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