5 tips for saving water at home

by time news

As France experiences its “worst ever recorded” drought, Le Figaro offers you solutions to reduce your water consumption.

At a time when France is succumbing to a wave of droughthistorical» and that 62 of its departments are placed on maximum alert, all efforts are welcome to limit its water consumption. So what are these famous gestures?usefulwhich can allow us to save a resource that is more precious than ever?

Detect and repair leaks

«It’s the gesture we think about the least, and yet… leaks are a real scourgesays Nathalie Davoisne, head of external relations at CIeau (Water Information Center). And for good reason, many holidaymakers do not turn off the water in their homes before leaving. An oversight that can be very expensive and lead to a huge waste of water. “A leaky toilet flush is 1000 liters lostexplains the CIeau member. Owners and tenants have now been notified.

Take a shower instead of a bath

It seems obvious, but it is always good to remember that taking a shower means dividing your water consumption by three compared to bathing. The most determined will go even further, recommending a morning wee in the shower to save money on flushing.

Use an economical shower head (or a thermostatic mixer)

«Shower heads are very useful, they allow you to have a good regulation of the quantity of water flowingsays Nathalie Davoisne. Because in times of drought, you have to keep in mind that “every drop counts“, insists the CIeau. A thermostatic mixer is also very effective since it allows a person who enters his shower not to waste time looking for the right water temperature.

Avoid letting water run unnecessarily

You’ve probably heard it often, but it’s best not to let the tap water run while brushing your teeth. This simple gesture allowssave up to 24 liters of water per dayconfirms the head of external relations at the water information centre.

Switch to xeriscaping

Does this term mean anything to you? Yet it is a type of development that allows you to do gardening… without water. To do this, you have to promote local species that consume little water for your garden. Xeriscaping can help reduce water consumption by 25 to 100%. If the rain ends up falling, you can of course collect the water for watering. But be careful, it is not recommended to use it to wash the floors of the house. According to Nathalie Davoisne, this “fake good idea” would not “risk free“since she”the wateris not treated, and that it may have previously been confronted with external pollution“. On good terms!

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