Brothers of Italy: no to the CDP-TIM agreement, a completely different plan is needed

by time news

Fratelli d’Italia is pressing for the Cassa Depositi e Presiti to take control of TIM without selling its infrastructures, as officially declared by the party on Friday. “We are totally opposed to CDP-TIM’s current plan as conceived,” said Alessio Butti, deputy and head of the TLC Department of Fratelli d’Italia. “We need a completely different new plan that protects TIM workers and maintains the integrity of the network, with CDP in majority control and the Italian management of the network in hand. This is why we are strongly opposed to the TIM network sales plan. The network must remain in the hands of TIM, a different TIM, not vertically integrated. It is not possible for TIM to lose the network. There is no telecommunications operator in the world that does not have a network. For its part, Open Fiber can no longer be the pivot of the operation, he no longer has the credibility nor the managerial capacity to manage such an operation “.

Under the control of CEO Pietro Labriola, TIM is carrying out a disruption of its business, centered on the sale of 60 percent to CDP, which aims to merge with rival Open Fiber and the sale of infrastructures to third parties. TIM’s second largest investor is the French group Vivendi. TIM currently has € 24.6 billion of net debt, with staff cuts for around 40,000 layoffs. Labriola recently said that the dialogue with the Cassa Depositi e Presiti will not be slowed down by the fall of the Draghi government, while the Brothers of Italy, currently the top party in the polls, is asking them to expect the elections on 25 September.

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