Covid and quarantine asymptomatic, Costa: “Immediate reduction, then definitive stop”

by time news

The next goal for a progressive return to normality is “the revision of theisolation for asymptomatic Covid 19 positives: a first reduction immediately and the definitive elimination of the measure in the coming weeks“. This is the wish of the Undersecretary of Health, Andrea Costa, expressed in a note in which he underlines the important step towards the normality of returning to school without a mask, as emerges from the indications released yesterday by the Higher Institute of Health.

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“Important steps forward to allow our students and our students to return to class without masks. According to the ISS guidelines, in fact, if the epidemiological situation remains unchanged, only school staff and fragile pupils will have to wear the FFP2. The document therefore goes in the direction I have hoped for and promoted for months “, reads the note.

“After all, as I have mentioned several times, the Government’s goal – continues Costa – is to get our boys and girls back to school in the presence and without masks in September. An indication of common sense strongly supported with my party, Noi conItalia, just like the one that allowed to remove the obligation of masks for the eighth grade and high school exams. However, a further effort is needed to implement the installation of systems for controlled mechanical ventilation in the classrooms. School has always been a priority on our political agenda. The gradual return to normality also passes from here “.

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