To prepare its “sobriety” plan, the government multiplies the working groups

by time news

“We must collectively enter into a logic of sobriety (…). We are going to prepare a plan to put ourselves in a position to consume less”declared Emmanuel Macron, during his television interview on July 14, on TF1 and France 2. Three weeks later, half a dozen working groups were launched by Agnès Pannier-Runacher, the minister responsible for energy transition, with some of his government colleagues.

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Their objective: to identify with the actors of each sector the levers and tools in order to reduce, within two years, by 10% the energy consumption in the country compared to that recorded in 2019, the last “normal” year. before the Covid-19 pandemic. This work should lead, in September, to the presentation of a vast “sobriety plan”.

These groups, co-led by various ministers, Olivia Grégoire for trade, Olivier Dussopt for work or Olivier Klein for housing, should make it possible to define measures to reduce consumption in the administration, companies, establishments open to the public, local authorities, digital and, of course, housing, one of the most energy-intensive sectors, with 45% of final energy consumption.

Temperature adjustment

Among the first measures put forward in all the groups is the adjustment of temperatures (to 19°C in heating and 26°C in air conditioning) in administrative buildings or in schools, colleges and high schools. . According to the Ministry of Energy Transition, a 1°C reduction in heating temperature represents an average reduction of 7% in gas consumption.

Similarly, the generalization of LED lighting and the deployment of innovative mechanisms, in particular the modulation of public lighting, should be encouraged, knowing that the communities that have adopted these mechanisms have achieved some 50% energy savings. on lighting. In the civil service, the sustainable mobility package is promoted to help agents do without a private car.

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In distribution, large commercial surfaces are highlighting their heat recovery devices on chillers in order to produce domestic hot water, a practice that could become a school. On the other hand, it is no longer a question for commercial surfaces to keep their doors open when they heat or cool their space. A decree, promised for the end of August, must prohibit this practice. Another text should make it possible to turn off illuminated advertising in the city between 1 a.m. and 6 a.m.

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