“I’m back at my house” – time.news

by time news
from Andrea Sereni

The CEO took care of himself in New York and has now returned to Milan: Happy to have respected his professional commitments as well, I hope to see you again soon

Ivan Gazidis returned to Milan. The Rossoneri manager returned to Italy after months spent in the United States, in New York, to treat throat cancer diagnosed in early summer during a routine medical check-up. There has been progress, the treatments have given good results, so much so that he has been able to return to Milan. AC Milan’s chief executive had chosen a New York cancer clinic on indication of the oncologists of the Ieo of Milan, the institute where the therapies will now continue.

Gazidis, who in July chose to make his battle against cancer public because prevention can make a difference, announced his return to the base with a letter. Dear colleagues, as some of you may know, I have just returned to Milan to continue my path towards healing. I want to tell you that it is a real pleasure and a relief to finally return to the city that is truly my home – reads the letter -, although the incredible support and affection received in recent weeks has never made me feel really far away. I am also delighted to have managed to fulfill my professional duties during this period of very delicate and demanding treatments and cures, especially thanks to your commitment and contribution. It filled me with pride to see the continued progress made, on and off the pitch.

When will it be possible to see him in the stands at San Siro? Very difficult immediately, for example tomorrow night in the match against Verona, possible perhaps in a few weeks. Also because his healing path is not yet finished: Now I will entrust my convalescence to the expert hands of the incredible Ieo team here in Milan – continues Gazidis -. Although there is still a long way to go to get to full recovery, I remain absolutely confident, and I am convinced we will soon be able to meet again in person. In the meantime, we are identifying a date in the coming weeks to virtually meet again in a Town Hall, to be able to greet you all and talk to each other directly, after this period of distance, albeit only physical. Always Forza Milan, Ivan.

October 15, 2021 (change October 15, 2021 | 20:27)

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