Watch: Thieves smash the glass and load luxury jewelry

by time news

Police are searching for suspects who were seen stealing over $100,000 worth of jewelry from a Florida mall. The masked suspects entered the mall through an employee entrance and arrived at the jewelry store

Daylight robbery without fear, at around 1:30 PM last Tuesday, several robbers appeared at the Diamond Galleria store in downtown Tampa, Florida, USA. The masked suspects entered the mall through an employee entrance and arrived at the jewelry store.

Using hammers, the thieves broke the glass of the store, and thus made their way towards the display cases that held luxury watches. After stealing the valuables using the ‘grab as you can’ method, the suspects left through the same employee entrance where a fourth suspect was waiting in a getaway car – a silver Nissan Murano.

“These suspects were seen on security cameras, so it’s only a matter of time before they are caught for the crimes they committed,” said Sheriff Chad Chronister, but so far the suspects have not been caught.

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