Italian word of the day: ‘Quanto meno’

by time news

Today’s expression is one I learned courtesy of my Italian in-laws, who frequently use it as a non-committal response to my suggestions.

This isn’t a phrase that ever came up in Italian class, and at first I wasn’t sure what they were saying. But from the context it was obvious that it meant something like “perhaps” or “possibly”.

– Maybe I’m late because of the traffic

– Maybe

– Maybe they’re late because of the traffic

– Possibly

When maybe is used alone as a response, it’s not always clear just how likely the speaker thinks something is.

In fact, it can mean anything from “maybe” to “probably”.

Literally translated, the phrase doesn’t make much sense to English speakers. It’s a combination of can (the third-person singular form of the verb power‘to be able‘) and give yourself (the reflexive form of the verb dare ‘to give‘). It could be translated literally as “it can be given”.

As well as being used alone, this phrase can be used within sentences instead of perhaps (maybe) or let’s hope, which is altogether more complicated.

With maybe you’ll need to pay more attention to the grammar. But it’s worth mastering, as the phrase is very commonly used in spoken Italian.

Unlike perhaps and let’s hopesentences using maybe need to be constructed in a particular way.

The formula you’ll need is maybe + that + a verb in its subjunctive form.

Here’s an example of what that looks like:

– Maybe that Gianni is late.

– Maybe/it’s possible that Gianni is late

Compare that to the simpler structure of:

– Maybe Gianni is late.

– Maybe Gianni is late

Both sentences effectively mean the same thing.

In the first example, the form of the verb ‘to be’ used is is because we’re speaking in the subjunctive.

Understandably, language learners often want to run for the hills when they start hearing about the subjunctive mood (subjunctive). But it doesn’t have to be intimidating.

Put very simply, it’s used whenever you’re not stating a fact. It expresses doubt, possibility, or uncertainty. It may also be used to talk about emotions, or when making suggestions – so for most normal everyday conversations, then.

So, while this is often taught as a more ‘advanced’ bit of grammar, you may want to get on friendly terms with it ASAP in order to partake in everyday chit-chat with Italians. Read a more detailed explanation of it here.

It pays to remember that with maybe you don’t need to use the verb in the subjunctive form if you’re speaking in the future or conditional tense.

For example, you could also say:

Maybe that Gianni Sara late

– Maybe Gianni will be late

Here, the verb refers to the future, so we used Sara – the future simple form of to be (to be).

And once you’ve got the hang of that, you can take things a step further by inserting the word also (also) in between can and give yourself to add emphasis.

Can also give yourself that is a total disaster.

– It may well be a total disaster

As mentioned earlier, this phrase is used for things you think are possible or likely.

If you’re a bit more certain about something, it would be better to use probably or it is very likely (‘probably’ or ‘it’s very likely’).

Will your Italian friends be impressed if you master the use of maybe?

Yes, it is very likely!

Do you have an Italian word you’d like us to feature? If so, please email us with your suggestion.

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