4 Ingredients If you add them to water, you will lose a lot of weight • Al Marsad Newspaper

by time news

Al-Marsad newspaper: There are four of the best ways to drink natural flavored water, which will make it easier for us to eat while maximizing its potential as a weight loss tool.


In addition to giving water a fresh and strong taste, lemons also contain the antioxidant vitamin C. There are many health benefits of getting enough vitamin C, but not getting enough of it may also be linked to weight.

Research published in Nutrition & Metabolism (London) suggested that women with a vitamin C deficiency are associated with measures of obesity and severe or pathological weight gain.

Young noted that lemons also contain D-limonene. This chemical compound, found naturally in the peel of citrus fruits, has anti-cancer properties and can also help soothe heartburn.


In parallel, the nutritionist said that cucumbers are rich in water and low in calories, and can also help as a diuretic and get rid of fluid retention.

One cucumber contains about 38.3 grams of water. Its high water content makes it a low-energy-dense food, helping you feel full, while its low calorie count makes it a great snack for weight loss efforts.

Moreover, according to a study published in the journal Nutrients, eating foods with a lower energy density may be associated with weight loss.


In addition, mint is more than just a garnish that smells good, according to Young. It contains anti-inflammatory properties and can also soothe indigestion and curb appetite.

In a study published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, plant extracts were researched in relation to aiding in the treatment and prevention of obesity.

Researchers have concluded that these natural resources have powerful antioxidant capabilities that can help treat and prevent obesity.

Mint is also one of 39 plants reported in TAPHM for use in weight loss.

apples and berries

Among the ingredients that can be added to your water, apples and berries, these fruits also make a strong mixture when added to water.

Young explained that apples and berries are high in fiber and low in calories, both traits that complement weight loss.

One cup of blueberries contains 3.6 grams of fiber, or 14% of the recommended daily value, while one cup of sliced ​​apples contains about 2.6 to 3 grams of fiber, or about 10 to 11 percent of what you need per day. Which makes both of these fruits excellent sources of fiber.

High-fiber foods are digested at a slower rate than low-fiber foods, which means they keep you feeling full for longer.

Of course, you can just have apple-infused water or berry-infused water, but Young suggested that the fruit blend adds a really delicious flavor that makes you drink all the water you need and maybe even then.

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