Froggy – Entertainment – Is a new star coming to the neighborhood? Meet Ofir Galili

by time news

Every year new people enter the entertainment industry, in recent years it seems that it is the young people who are taking over the screen, 18-year-old Ofir Galili from Ashkelon is one of them. Recently, he starred on the TV screen in the first acting role in the “Policeman’s Daughter” series that was broadcast on the “Teen Nick” channel, where he won many praises and understood unequivocally – this is his place.

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He started his way in the world of acting at the age of 12, after watching a play on behalf of the school. “I was very focused on the show and I thought it might be cool to be involved in it, so I went to my teacher and asked him if he knew of a class that deals with theater. He told me there was the municipal theater. I went there and just enjoyed every moment. We started putting on plays and shows. I realized that I wanted to progress in it then and at the age of 15 I signed up to the agency and I started doing auditions.”

First game role – tell about the feelings you had.

“This is my first step in the field of television and I have a crazy feeling in my head. As soon as I got the phone call from my agent and she told me that I got the role, I was crazy excited. I shouted all over the house, I couldn’t believe it happened. I remember checking several times if it wasn’t a mistake and I really got it the role. The first day of filming was crazy. I got up at 4:00 in the morning with peak excitement on the way to the train and I had a lot of worries – how would I behave? How would they receive me? I had people with me that I had always seen on TV and now I was acting alongside them and it was crazy. To their credit, from the moment I arrived on set straight They welcomed me with open arms and it was just the most natural and fun for me there.”

© Yakir Shukron

Did you feel that you had to prove yourself more as the new member of the set?

“Yes. I felt that I needed to prove to the production why they brought me here and show what I know. The actors really helped me and spoke to me at the level of the poor, I felt a sense of family.”

He did the role in The Policeman’s Daughter at the height of his twelfth grade, when the pressure of graduation was extremely massive. How did you combine your studies with working on the set?

“The truth is that my teacher was very excited that I got the position and supported me from the first moment. He asked me to tell him the shooting days that I would be absent and he said that he would be happy as long as I came on the other days and on the shooting days that I was absent following them, he took care of the material that I would complete in the evening and on the days that I was free I stayed for reinforcements and completion hours”.

What reactions do you get from your close friends and family?

“Wow. The family and friends supported me on a really crazy level, they made sure to call me to ask how I was doing on the day of the set and if I needed help studying a text or anything else and always made sure to encourage me and cheer me on endlessly.”

© Photo from Instagram

How does it feel to suddenly watch yourself play on TV?

“I saw the first episode with my family and while they were excited and cheering, I felt a certain embarrassment that I saw myself on the screen. In the later episodes, I looked at it professionally. I realized what I could have improved, where I could have done differently, and the more episodes I appeared in, the less embarrassed I was.”

Where does the confidence to appear on the screen come from? Is it something innate or acquired over the years?

“The confidence to appear on screen or self-confidence in general is one of the hardest things I had to fight every day, if a person goes to the gym to train his body then I would train myself mentally, if it’s in terms of body image that after thousands of diets I told myself then Maybe I shouldn’t be that one with the cubes and the muscles – I’m special the way I am. Receiving compliments, for example, is something that is still difficult for me to accept, but I’m practicing it on not being afraid and starting to be proud of myself, and I want to get to a point where I can influence the youth of today without Be ashamed of who they are and hold your head up because I know what it’s like to be in this place of insecurity.”

What are the goals for the future?
“My goals are to continue and do what I love to continue doing auditions and not giving up and to do as many roles as possible and experience as much as possible and go as far as I can.”

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