A promising new treatment for obesity

by time news
A chronic metabolic disease that affects more than 8 million French people, obesity has often suffered from a lack of therapeutic innovation. 202033879/zinkevych – stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – An injectable molecule opens very promising perspectives for the management of the disease.

These are data that were eagerly awaited. Published in the New England Journal of Medicine on July 21, they far exceeded the hopes of obesity specialists, and for patients it was perhaps the beginning of a new era in their care.

The phase 3 Surmont-1 clinical trial evaluated the efficacy of tirzepatide, an injectable treatment developed by the Eli Lilly laboratory. Patients who received a weekly dose of 10 or 15 mg of tirzepatide had lost an average of 20% of their weight after 72 weeks. This may seem limited, but the impact on their state of health is very significant. “About a third of these patients even exceed the 25% weight loss mark, unheard of with obesity drugsenthuses Dr. Lucie Favre, senior physician in the endocrinology, diabetology and metabolism department of the Center Hospitalo-Universitaire Vaudois, in Lausanne (Switzerland). Indeed, to date only surgery…

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