Rotavirus the causative agent of viral gastroenteritis outbreak – Dagblad Suriname

by time news

After an investigation, the Ministry of Health received a report on Wednesday afternoon, August 10, that the Rotavirus is the cause of the current outbreak of viral gastroenteritis.

A rotavirus infection is a contagious disease in which inflammation of the stomach and intestines occurs. Nearly every child develops a rotavirus infection before the age of five.

The symptoms of rotavirus are fever, nausea, vomiting and watery diarrhea. After infection, it takes about 2 days for symptoms to appear. The symptoms last 4 to 6 days. Sometimes a child has to go to the hospital because of symptoms of dehydration. People can get the disease several times, but the disease is less severe. It is also possible that someone is infected, but that there are no symptoms.

The rotavirus is in the feces of someone who is infected. The disease is contagious from the moment there are symptoms. The contagiousness lasts about a week.

Hand washing is the most useful preventive measure. The application of adequate hygiene is most important in preventing exposure of children to other children with gastroenteritis within families or institutions (hospitals, daycare centers, etc.). Hand hygiene is performed with soap and water or using an ethanol-based hand alcohol.

If a child starts to vomit or has diarrhea, you can administer a few spoonfuls of fluid at a time. The fluid should not be administered in large quantities in one go. Moisture can be water, but also good if it is something with sugar in it, such as syrup and tea with sugar.

Alarm symptoms may include drowsiness, drowsiness, difficulty waking up, sunken eyes, dry lips and high fever.

Contact your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms and do not wait too long before taking steps.

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