Adjust Covid-19 to be a communicable disease. Surveillance. same group as Influenza, Dengue Fever, Oct.

by time news

The National Communicable Disease Committee has approved the adjustment of ‘Covid-19’ from dangerous communicable disease to “Contagious diseases that need to be monitored” No. 57, the same group as Influenza and dengue fever will be effective from 1 October onwards.

Thursday 11 August 2022, time 19:04

This corresponds to the situation of the disease that does not have a serious health impact as in the past. This is the same trend as many countries around the world.

Communicable Diseases Act The disease was classified into 3 groups as follows:

common infectious diseases The group of patients infected with low severity such as flu, diarrhea, which can be treated. Able to dispense medication according to symptoms

infectious disease surveillance The group of infected patients is at a very mild level, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever that people are now familiar with. can be treated according to the symptoms

Dangerous Communicable Diseases: A group with high severity, difficult to treat, and rapidly spreading widely. It is often a disease that has never happened before. but is imported from foreign countries such as SARS, etc.

gradual adjustment of measures

1 Sep ’22 Ministry of Public Health All hospitals and medical clinics are allowed. Antiviral drugs can be purchased from the manufacturer themselves. both in Bangkok and other provinces However, for patients to buy such drugs, they must be prescribed by a doctor only.

People will also be able to access COVID treatment through telemedicine systems like Clicknic, which handles both green and 608 patients, while MorDee Good Doctor takes care of local green patients. Bangkok and surrounding areas only which patients can register to receive treatment for COVID-19 through the online system It will treat the symptoms and consider the severity in order to dispense medicines at home. It opens up a comprehensive treatment opportunity.

unchanged measures

Medical treatment of patients with all rights Still free treatment according to the rights of all 3 groups: rights under the universal health insurance system (NHSO), social security rights and civil servant rights

Vaccination is also free under medical advice. by spacing appropriately (about 4-6 months) and also publicizing the 608 risk group to receive a stimulant injection Including asking the hospital to consider the use of ready-made immunity (Long Acting Antibody: LAAB), which has already been distributed to various provinces and Bangkok.

Universal Prevention measures (wear masks – stay away – wash hands) and remain important in preventing infection and transmission. Due to the current situation, there is still a high level of infection.

While previously announced by the Ministry of Public Health on June 30, 65, adding “smallpox” as the 56th contagious disease that must be monitored, found that there are now 4 confirmed cases in Thailand. in which Thailand has strict surveillance Both at airports, hospitals, communities, tourist attractions, with the smallpox vaccine being ordered for use by frontline medical personnel. medical laboratory worker and high-risk people touch patients

However, COVID-19 remains a contagious disease that must be monitored. In the near future, there may be a coronavirus vaccine combined with other flu vaccines, while medicine may have better technology. People should have a syringe every four months and follow self-protection measures, wash hands frequently, keep distance, wear masks. Do not share personal items with others. eat hot, cooked food which can prevent both Covid-19 and smallpox

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