At Trump’s residence “the FBI was looking for confidential documents on nuclear weapons”

by time news – The FBI agents, during the search of the residence of former President Donald Trump, would have gone in search of some classified documents on nuclear weapons that would have been taken away from the White House. To report it, citing exclusive sources close to the investigation, is the Washington Post.

The raid, again as reported by the non-US newspaper, thus responds to government concerns regarding the possibility that documents containing sensitive information could fall into the wrong hands. The sources have not clarified whether the information relates to nuclear weapons in the possession of the United States or other foreign powersnor did they specify whether this material was actually found within the walls of Trump’s Florida residence.

The Washington Post points out that nuclear weapons dossiers are particularly sensitive and access to content is limited to a small number of government officials. The risk that the United States faces is that of disclosing important details about the weapons that make up the US arsenal, thus granting advantages to other powers.. A prospect that would have induced the White House to move as quickly as possible to avoid possible damage to national security and to recover ‘top-secret’ material.

On the subject, the newspaper also asked David Laufman, former head of the intelligence section of the US Department of Justice: “If it were true” that the FBI was looking for documents related to nuclear weapons “it would be material reserved for the most ‘ high levels “

Trump and an investigation into the thread of the institutional crisis

Attorney General Merrick Garland explained that he personally authorized the FBI raid on the Florida resort of former US President Donald Trump. In a brief message launched three days after the searches in Mar-a-Lago, the intervention of the head of Justice comes at a time when the United States is on the verge of an unprecedented institutional crisis: never, in American history, has administration in office had taken a court order against a former president and potential adversary in 2024.

President Joe Biden, has made his entourage known, he was unaware of the Attorney General’s initiative, but that could not appease the Republicans. Garland’s intervention marks the first public appearance after the raid, but without being able to justify it.

What happened, which remains sensational, can lead to two possible developments: either overwhelming evidence was found during the searches that could put Trump with his back to the wall or what happened on Monday is the point of no return of an institutional crisis. from unpredictable developments.

Garland had been indicated in recent months as the “weak man” of the administration, accused by the Democratic base of never having officially taken a stand against Trump, put under investigation by the House commission that investigates the assault on the Capitol of 6 January 2021.

Suddenly the head of justice signed the most contested act of the Biden era, becoming the target of the Republicans, and the subject of death threats. According to some American media, including the Washington Post, Garland was pressured to say something publicly, but in the end the Attorney General refused to provide information on the investigation, leaving room for doubt. “Upholding the value of the law – he limited himself to saying – means applying it correctly without fear or favoritism”.

“Under my responsibility – he added – is precisely what the Justice Department is doing”. Trump and his allies refused to make a copy of the search warrant public, while the tycoon’s son, Eric, said the agents would not hand over any ‘warrants’. merely showing it to Trump’s lawyers only three meters away.

Knowing the text at this point becomes crucial because it would describe the material the FBI agents were hunting for and indicate what crimes Trump would be accused of. The accuracy of the accusations would be aggravating for the former president. The vagueness would be for Garland and, consequently, for Biden.

The tycoon continues to post on his private platform, Truth, but has not yet said whether he will oppose or ask for the search warrant to be issued. He limited himself to saying that his lawyers had established a “very good” relationship with federal investigators. “They could have whatever they wanted – he wrote – just ask.”

The raid is called “madness”

Garland, in his speech which lasted two minutes, explained that he had decided to make a public statement because Trump had already confirmed the FBI’s initiative and because the case, by now, had assumed a “substantial public interest”. The lack of clarifying interventions risks inflaming the country’s already tense climate.

The more than thirty thousand federal agents feel they are being targeted, and possible targets, as demonstrated by today’s attack on the FBI headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio. Some Republicans have called for funds to be removed from the FBI, others have gone so far as to demand its elimination. The fact of having reached this point already indicates that the foundations of the greatest democracy in the world are not so solid.

America has entered a moment of firsts times: first search against a former president, first revolt against an organ of the state and first time when the risk of a civil wartriggered by isolated acts of terrorism, may lead the country into darkness.

And this happens when even the most progressive newspapers, such as the New York Times and the Post, have doubts about the validity of the raid. Not only did it provide Trump a reason to claim that he is in the crosshairs of his opponents, but could clear the field of candidates who were preparing to challenge him in the primary, such as Florida Governor Ron DeSantisperhaps the biggest opponent, former Vice President Mike Pence, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

With the exclusion of the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, who has maintained an eloquent detachment, all the big names have sided with Trump, attacking the Biden administration for a “Banana Republic” and “Country to be” operation. third World”. In fact, the former president has gathered everyone around his “messianic” figure. It will become difficult for other potential White House aspirants to offer themselves as alternatives to a man recognized by millions of Americans as being “haunted” by the Democrats’ “endless witch hunt”.

The FBI blitz, not only in ways never in time, ended up producing collateral damage to Biden: after months of failures, gaffes, controversies and disastrous polls, just when the first successful week had arrived, in which the inflation is backward and the climate plan expected for almost a year has been approved, America speaks only of the blitz in Mar-a-Lago. From today Biden and the first lady are officially on vacation, but perhaps she did not think she would get there with the specter of an institutional crisis.

The Wall Street Journal’s judgment on Garland

An initiative that broke an institutional tradition that had lasted for 232 years and a two-minute conference that left more doubts than certainties. This is the severe judgment on the Attorney general Merrick Garland expressed by the Wall Street Journal in an editorial published in the online edition of the New York financial newspaper. The comment follows the brief message with which Merrick, in two minutes and without answering reporters’ questions, justified the FBI search of Donald Trump’s Florida resort, the first of its kind in American history.

“Who says – the WSJ asks sarcastically – that Merrick Garland is a naive politician?”. The board of the newspaper underlines how the head of Justice explained that he “asked the federal judge to make the contents of the search warrant public”, casting new shadows on Trump with a message of “apparent transparency”. Garland would imply that Trump, not wanting to show the search warrant, “may be hiding something”, “but the warrant itself – claims the editorial – is not proof of guilt”.

The document, once made public “it will throw some light on the story, but it will only be part of the story“. The precedents – from the controversial Steele dossier on alleged Russian interference in the 2016 elections to the flop of the accusations of former super prosecutor Robert Muller – according to the WSJ have led Americans to doubt the theorems and now “they want to see the evidence”.

In the editorial emerges the final hope that this evidence really exists and that it turns out to be solid, proof of skepticism, otherwise the blitz in Mar-a-Lago will have “unleashed the political forces and a legal precedent that both the Democrats and the Trump “.

The attack on Biden

Trump said he did not believe White House claims that US President Joe Biden knew nothing about the FBI searches of his Florida residence.

“Does anyone really believe that Joe Biden and the White House knew nothing of this great embarrassment for our country (the biggest story after the catastrophe in Afghanistan)? I don’t think so!”. The Tycoon’s message was posted on his social network, Truth.

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