All the pros and cons of creatine at a glance!

by time news

When you mention at a party that you sometimes take a scoopie of creatine, many probably see you as a supporter of anabolics. Which of course is hilarious when you know what it really is.

What are the actual pros and cons of creatine? What are the pros and cons of this white powder? We decided to find out for you.

We’re going for gold, thanks to creatine!

You have probably heard many famous athletes talk about this handy supplement. Fortunately, a lot of scientific research has already been conducted into the effects of creatine. Before you continue reading, we would recommend that you check out this crystal-clear video by Joel Beukers:

Wat is creatine?

Creatine is actually a nitrogen-rich compound that produced by the body itself. Our liver, pancreas and kidneys make creatine daily from the amino acids arginine, methionine and glycine. Did you know that you get creatine on a daily basis? It is a body’s own substance. You can find creatine in meats but even in fish! So you actually get about a gram of creatine through your diet.

So it’s something completely natural, and definitely has nothing to do with steroids. Let’s nip that in the bud for good. And whoever claims that, should simply be patted on the shoulder that he is absolutely right. Poor schlemiel with his thin arms…

Why are you taking creatine?

If your body already produces creatine naturally, why would you supplement extra creatine? Of course, an average person does not need this. However, it can be useful for strength athletes, athletes, bodybuilders and fitboys. For short periods of intense exercise, your body uses ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Unfortunately, this is already used up after a few seconds! You can easily remedy this by taking creatine. After that, creatine also ensures that your body retains more fluid in the muscles. The muscle then expands, making it appear larger. What a miracle cure!

We give the heroes of FIT the floor on the most important information you need to know about creatine:

The benefits of creatine!

Before you run to the nearest store to stock up on a huge amount of creatine, let’s first explain the pros and cons of creatine. Then you can immediately convince everyone in your environment that you are not on steroids when you use this supplement. Do you want to delve even deeper into the material? Then this clear article can help you even more! Let’s start with the benefits:

  • Because the body will retain more fluid as you take creatine, you will automatically look more muscular. Of course, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go to the gym anymore! It is important to keep training hard. And maybe even dive into your own home gym!
  • You can keep training longer without your muscles acidifying. NB; this is especially the case with strength training! There you deliver short periods of intensive effort.
  • If you only use creatine for 5 to 7 days, you can already gain more muscle mass.

The disadvantages of creatine?

The downsides to creatine are actually negligible. Yet for a select group of athletes there is a reason to skip creatine. You can read the disadvantages of creatine below:

  • You can get stomachaches from taking too much creatine at once. Therefore, continue to drink enough water or eat protein-rich foods when you decide to take creatine. And just name the amount indicated on the package.
  • Creatine can cause water retention. After all, your body retains more fluid when you take creatine. The kidneys have to work hard! Do you have problems with your kidneys, or do you already have problems with your kidneys before you want to start taking creatine? Then visit your doctor to discuss this with him/her!
  • Of course, creatine is not free. It is therefore a consideration whether you want to supplement creatine or whether you prefer to get it completely from your current healthy diet.

Does creatine cause a bald head?

Let’s dispel this fable right away. Baldness is mainly determined by your genes. In addition, creatine is a substance that your body already produces on its own. Impossible to go bald from creatine. Do you notice that that crest is gradually disappearing? Then take a look at your father’s haircut! There is a good chance that he also became bald at an earlier age.

Enough talk, time to go to the gym and after time a wheyshake with a scoop of creatine in it for optimal recovery. That’s how we do it!

Do you also want to grow such a body?

Need some more muscle mass? Great, get to work then! The gym is waiting for you. If you are still looking for a good outfit, score your workout outfit and details together here! The right supplements and vitamins also help enormously. And good nutrition is of course the basis of every trained warrior!

Prefer to train at home? Then build your own home gym. You can not make it so crazy and you can have it delivered at home.

Also check: Gymtok shares recognizable videos for the real muscle bundles among us!

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