Mandates survey: How did the primaries in Likud and the “Dawn” operation affect them?

by time news

Yair Lapid (Flash 90 photo/ Yonatan Zindel, Avshalom Sassooni)

An unusual week in the election campaign, with slight changes in the polls following the “Dawn” operation against the Islamic Jihad in Gaza, the first military response under the tenure of Prime Minister Yair Lapid. Another significant event is of course the Likud primaries, the results of which were announced yesterday.

Likud Chairman Benjamin Netanyahu expressed satisfaction with the high turnout in the primaries, and sees this as a good sign for the elections. The polls continue to show the same trend, and in a Panel4All poll for Maariv newspaper, the Likud wins 33 mandates, compared to 30 in the last elections

Operation Dawn strengthened the image of Prime Minister Yair Lapid as a “responsible adult”, and also as one who is not afraid to go into confrontation with the enemy. According to the survey, the voters rewarded him for that, and he is awarded the25 mandates.

However, the bloc led by him is weakening, and especially “Blue and White the New Hope” which is down to only 10 seats. Defense Minister Gantz hoped that his image would also improve from the operation in Gaza, but from an image point of view he is already known as a ‘defenseist’ since he is a former Chief of Staff, and the one who won support is Lapid.

Religious Zionism led by Bezalel Smotrich reaches the same number – 10 mandates. Will it be the third largest party in the upcoming elections? We will wait and see.

The Shas party is stable at 9, Torah Judaism as above with its seven mandates, Labor which has also chosen a new list, gets stronger and returns to 7 mandates – of course at the expense of Meretz who according to ‘Maariv’ does not pass the percentage of blocking.

The joint list stands at 6 mandates, Lieberman’s Yisrael Beitenu at 5, Ra’am at 4, and Ayelet Shaked’s ‘Zionist Spirit’ manages to pass according to this survey, with 4 mandates.

In the bloc rally, the Netanyahu bloc has 59 mandates, the Lapid bloc with 51 mandates, and in the middle the joint list with 6, and the Zionist spirit with 4.

717 members of the panel of respondents participated in the survey Panel4All to carry out research on the internet, and it was carried out on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, Jews and Arabs alike. The maximum sampling error in this survey is 4.2%.

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