Former Minister of Education Aharon Yadlin passed away at the age of 96

by time news

Knitted news12.08.22 11:45 Tu Bab Tashfav

Former Minister of Education Aharon Yadlin passed away at the age of 96

(screenshot from broadcasts here 11)

Baruch Dayan Emet: Former Minister of Education and winner of the Israel Prize Aharon Yadlin passed away this morning (Friday) at the age of 96. His funeral will be held this Sunday at Kibbutz Hatzerim.

His son Amos eulogized on Twitter and said that “our beloved father, Aharon Yadlin, has passed away. A leader by virtue of his personality and values, one of the pioneers of settlement in the Negev, one of the leaders of the labor movement, a stickler for equality, Zionism and the value of man. Educator and teacher, a wise and humble man whose mouth and heart are equal. 96 years old, Clear and sharp, he left us in his sleep.”

Aharon Yadlin was born in 1926 in Tel Aviv, and during his childhood lived in Ben Shemen, Rehovot, and Haifa. In his adulthood, he joined the core in Kibbutz Bari and worked there as a farmer, and then moved to Kibbutz Hatzeri where he lived until his death. During the War of Independence, Yadlin joined the Palmach and later was a member of the Histadrut’s executive committee and the founders of Beit Berel College, when he served as the director of the college between 1957-1955.

Yadlin entered the Knesset for the first time in 1960, and served as MK until 1979. During his tenure, he served as Deputy Minister of Education and Secretary General of the Labor Party, and in 1974 he was appointed Minister of Education in the first Rabin government. After his retirement from the Knesset, he served in many public positions, including Secretary of the Jewish Committee (1989-1985), Chairman of the World Zionist Labor Movement (1992-2002), Chairman of Mossad Bialik, Chairman of Yad Tabenkin, Chairman of Beit Tizif and more.

In 2010 Yadlin won the Israel Prize for a special contribution to society and the country. In the reasons for the decision, the award committee said that “from his youth as an activist in the leadership of the scouts and later as a participant in the founding of eleven settlement points in the Negev, Yadlin contributed to the development of the country and the pioneer settlement. Yadlin served as a lecturer and teacher and then as a Knesset member and Minister of Education and Culture. At no point in his life did he neglect the development of educational institutions, culture and science and served as a model for pioneers.”

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