Information on the “president of France” among the documents seized

by time news

What secrets did Donald Trump take in his suitcases? Among the documents seized by the FBI during the search at Mar-a-Lago on Monday, there was in particular information on “the president of France”, reveals the Wall Street Journalwho was able to consult the list.

In total, federal agents took away about 20 boxes, including 11 sets of classified documents, some marked “top secret” supposed to be only consultable in government buildings.

The article of the American daily does not give additional details. According to the Breitbart website, the exact title is: “Info re: President of France”. It is not known if this information relates to Emmanuel Macron. Nor if they were part of the sensitive documents. “Intelligence elements concerning a foreign leader would certainly be classified”, specifies to 20 Minutes national security attorney Bradley Moss.

/… More information to come on 20 Minutes

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